[사회]Ministry of Public Affairs, Controversy over the’Prohibition of Kim Hak’s Departure’… This Week’s Conclusion


The High-ranking Public Officials Crime Investigation Department is continuing its deliberation over whether to directly investigate the case of incumbent prosecutors who were involved in the allegations of illegal departure from the former Vice Minister of Justice Kim Hak-eui.

There is also an analysis that it will be difficult to draw conclusions due to the burden of making politically sensitive cases as the No. 1 investigation in the absence of an organization yet, and there are many obstacles even if attempting to relocate to another institution.

Reporter Na Hye-in reports.


Among the suspects in the case of the illegal departure of Kim Hak-eui, the subjects of the investigation were incumbent prosecutors, such as Seoul Central District Prosecutors’ Office, Lee Seong-yoon and Lee Gyu-won, then prosecutor of the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office.

Just looking at the investigation documents that were captured by YTN at the time of the transfer of the air defense agency, the case record is vast.

[김진욱 / 고위공직자범죄수사처장 (지난 4일) : (사건 기록이) 쌓아놓으면 사람 키가 넘습니다. 한번 보는 데만도 시간이 오래 걸릴 거고요. 중점적으로 볼 부분들은 또 여러 번 봐야 할 필요도 있거든요.]

Last weekend, Minister of Public Service Kim Jin-wook personally reviewed the records, but the direction of the case has not been concluded yet.

We are continuing our deliberation over three options: direct investigation by the air defense department, re-investigation of the prosecution, and transfer to the national police headquarters.

Under the Airborne Ministry Act, the priority jurisdiction for incumbent prosecutors’ crimes lies with the airlift.

There is also a provision that if it is deemed appropriate to be in charge of another investigative agency in light of the content and scale of the case, it can be turned over.

However, it is a reality that it is physically impossible to conduct a direct investigation for at least two months, with the prosecutor’s personnel committee of the Ministry of Airborne Affairs now barely established.

However, it is not easy to hand over the case to the prosecution or police national investigation headquarters.

Although Suwon District Prosecutors’ Office has been investigating the case, it is burdensome that the first arrest warrant was dismissed and General Yoon Seok-yeol also resigned, which put a brake on the investigation.

If the case is handed over to the prosecutors’ office again, it may be pointed out that the investigation has been dismissed and the responsibility has been handed over.

In addition, Seoul Central District Prosecutor’s Office, Lee Seong-yoon, who is the subject of the investigation, openly opposes the relocation of the prosecution.

In the case of the National Police Agency, controversy continues over whether it is eligible to take over the prosecution case from the airlift.

According to the Airborne Act and the adjustment of the right to investigate, the police have only investigated crimes of public officials under level 5, so the vice-minister-level district prosecutor and prosecutors with level 3 or higher are not subject to investigation.

Director Kim Jin-wook also said, conscious of this, that the National Investigation Headquarters is reviewing the law to see if it is appropriate to investigate incumbent prosecutors.

Chief Kim said that he will take into consideration which agency is the most fair to investigate, and that he will come to a conclusion within this week.

However, considering the symbolism of the Airlift 1 case and the political sensitivity of the former Vice Minister Kim’s case, any choice between direct investigation and spouse seems to be inevitable.

This is YTN Na Hye-in.

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