[사회]Ministry of Justice announces the personnel of high-ranking prosecutors… Lee Seong-yoon remains as Seoul Central District Prosecutor’s Office

Ministry of Justice announces telegram personnel from senior prosecution officers… 9th
Lee Seong-yoon remains the Seoul Central District Prosecutor’s Office Second stay after last greeting
Shim Jae-cheol, Prosecutor General of the Ministry of Justice, transferred to Seoul Southern District Prosecutor’s Office
Cho Jung-tae, Chuncheon District Prosecutor’s Office, at the Head of the Planning and Coordination Department of the Great Sword who was vacant
‘Job Exclusion’ Han Dong-hoon, Prosecutor General


The Ministry of Justice has announced telegrams to the prosecutors’ level or higher and senior officials.

I was most interested in whether to replace the Seoul Central District Prosecutor’s Office Lee Seong-yoon.

Following the last greeting, I was reassigned.

Connect with reporters. Reporter Lee Jong-won!

I was interested in whether or not to replace the District Prosecutor’s Office Lee Seong-yoon, but it was retained as it was?


A while ago, the Ministry of Justice announced a telegram to the prosecutor general or higher and a senior prosecution officer.

This is the first prosecutor’s appointment since the inauguration of Justice Minister Park Bum-gye.

Seoul Central District Prosecutor’s Office Lee Seong-yoon, who had been in an uncomfortable relationship with President Yoon Seok-yeol, was most noticed.

Eventually I was left.

This is the second stay after the greeting in August.

Along with the appointment of the Chief Prosecutor, the number of personnel at this time was also minimal.

Only four people were announced.

The Prosecutor General of the Ministry of Justice, who oversees the prosecution’s personnel and budget, was seen by the Seoul Southern District Prosecutor’s Office, Lee Jeong-soo, and Shim Jae-cheol, the current Prosecutor General’s Office.

In addition, Cho Joong-tae, the current Chuncheon District Prosecutor’s Office, was transferred to the chief prosecutor of the Great Swords Planning and Coordination Department, which was vacant, and Kim Ji-yong, Deputy Prosecutor of the Seoul High Prosecutor’s Office, was ordered to the Chuncheon District Prosecutor’s Office.

The Ministry of Justice explained that it filled the vacancies of the Chief Prosecutors’ Office of Planning and Coordination, which had been vacant so far, and performed personnel on a minimum scale for follow-up telegram measures following the appointment of major positions such as the Prosecutor General of the Ministry of Justice.

Prior to this, Justice Minister Park Beom-gye and Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol met twice on the 2nd and 5th to discuss standards and principles ahead of this greeting.

In the days of former Minister Choo Mi-ae, the prosecution’s internal opposition was intense every time a person was conducted without receiving the opinion of President Yoon.

Taking this into account, it was Minister Park’s pledge to greet President Yoon and the prosecution with sufficient opinions.

Previously, however, it was reported that Yoon had strongly requested the replacement of District Prosecutors’ Officer Seong-yoon Lee at a meeting with Minister Park, but it was not finally accepted.

In addition, Shim Jae-cheol, the Prosecutor General of the Ministry of Justice, who is classified as a representative ‘friend’ disposition, has virtually died as the Seoul Southern District Prosecutor’s Office, where there are many politically sensitive cases.

On the other hand, the return of representative General Yoon’s aide and Prosecutor Han Dong-hoon, who were excluded from the job after being involved in the Channel A case and being appointed as a research fellow at the Legal Affairs Training Institute, was also missed.

Tensions are expected to rise again between the Ministry of Justice and the prosecution.

This is YTN Jongwon Lee from the Ministry of Social Affairs.

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