[사회]”LH speculation suspicion Mujinae-dong, full of good news even if it is not a new city

Approval of construction of Gwangmyeong and Siheung Techno Valley after 8 months of purchase
The nearby road is under construction to expand to four round trips.
Analysis that employees strategically aimed to compensate for new cities


The land where the LH employees first lived with allegations of speculation on the new city’s planned site was full of good news.

Accordingly, there are doubts that the employees were aiming for compensation for new towns or private development with certain information.

Reporter Kim Ji-hwan reports.


In April 2018, the land in Mujinae-dong, Siheung-si, Gyeonggi-do, bought by LH employees.

Since there are no roads or access roads nearby, it has been used only as farmland for a long time.

[인근 주민 : 그냥 농사짓는 땅이었어요. 농사짓는 땅. 배추 얻어먹고 고구마 그다음에 얻어먹고….]

But Hojae was full.

Eight months after the employees bought the land, approval was granted for the construction of the Gwangmyeong/Siheung Techno Valley just 500m away in a straight line.

Construction of the Techno Valley, which will start soon, is expected to be completed in 2024.

Geumo-ro, right next to the land, is planning to expand the two lanes round-trip to four lanes with a government expenditure of 50 billion won.

When the employees bought the land, the publicly announced land price increased significantly when the news that the industrial complex was built and the road was widening near the land that was no different from blind land.

In particular, as it is a land that cannot but be developed in any way, it is analyzed that it was strategically aimed at compensation for the new city.

[A 공인중개사 : 시세로 따지면 지금 광명 시흥 쪽에서 무지내동이 제일 저렴하니까 LH 관련 사람들이 그쪽으로 가서 사지 않았을까 생각하는 거지.]

Some opinions say that private development is in mind that can generate greater market profits in 2025 when the Gwangmyeong and Siheung special management areas are lifted.

[B 공인중개사 : 특별관리지역 10년 기간이 있으니까, 그거 보고 사는 거죠. 밭이 대지로 바뀌면, 건물을 지을 수 있잖아. 상가, 아니면 공장.]

As both new towns and private developments take a long time from confirmation to commencement of construction, suspicion that employees relied on’reliable information’ is growing.

[고종완 / 한국자산관리연구원 원장 : 계획은 국토부가 수립하지만 준비하고 실행하고 관리하는 부분은 LH의 몫이잖아요. LH는 당연히 알 수밖에 없고….]

Contrary to the explanations of employees that they have invested in preparation for their retirement, the circumstances that seem to be aiming for good benefits and rewards are revealed one after another, and doubts are growing that LH employees have jumped into speculation even with large debts.

YTN Kim Ji-hwan[[email protected]]is.

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