[사회]Launched the first vaccination center…to expand 250 locations nationwide by July

National Medical Center completes the installation of the Corona 19 Vaccination Center
One quarantine ward for confirmed cases of the National Medical Center → Vaccination Center
Subdivision of waiting, vaccination, observation and vaccine storage areas
Write a history of underlying diseases and allergies… Confirmation of recipients


The Corona 19 Vaccination Center has been established at the National Medical Center.

At the center, vaccinations of Pfizer and Modena, which are essential for cryogenic distribution, are given, and 250 such centers will be established nationwide by July.

There is a reporter on the site. Reporter Dayeon Kim!

There will be an initial vaccination of the vaccine?


That’s right.

60,000 Pfizer vaccines are coming in mid-month.

It is expected that the first vaccination will be given to medical staff in the metropolitan area.

Originally, this was a quarantine ward for confirmed corona19 patients.

It was decided to operate one in the three wards as an inoculation center.

Preparations are in full swing inside and outside the building, and the outside vacant lot is used as a place to check the number of people waiting and the number of vaccinations by hour.

The vaccination center is largely divided into 4 zones.

These are the waiting area, the vaccination area, the observation area, and the vaccine storage area.

In the waiting area, you will measure your temperature and fill out a questionnaire.

In the questionnaire, you should write about your pregnancy or underlying disease, history of allergies, and medications you are currently taking.

Here, the atmosphere is different from the general vaccination in that it is not a simple atmosphere, but in that it selects the recipients.

It is very important to confirm the recipients because the vaccination targets are operated in a manner designated by the government.

Next, pre-diagnosis and vaccination are performed to check the health status, and a separate waiting space is also provided to prevent the patient from being pushed or crowded between the traffic lines.

After vaccination, you will be moved to the observation area to check for adverse reactions.

You usually wait 15 minutes, but if you have a history of allergies or have a special risk, you wait for 30 minutes.

If you have a severe allergic reaction such as anaphylaxis, you will be transferred to a hospital after initial response in the emergency department.

There is an area where the last vaccine is stored.

The storage conditions for Pfizer, modders, vaccines, etc., which must be managed at -70 degrees and 20 degrees, respectively, are difficult.

Imported vaccines are transferred to the vaccination center through domestic freezer storage, where there are two cryogenic freezers and two refrigerators.

The received vaccine is stored in a frozen state, and only the required amount is thawed by receiving the number of people to be inoculated the day before.

In this way, there will be 250 vaccination centers nationwide that will receive Pfizer and Modena vaccines.

The National Medical Center will be in charge of training for regional and regional vaccination centers that will be installed later.

It is also important to prepare so that there are no disruptions in the distribution process.

The government is also conducting mock training in preparation for unexpected situations that may occur in all processes from transportation and vaccination.

So far, YTN Kim Da-yeon at the National Medical Center[[email protected]]is.

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