[사회]Kim Jin-wook’s first visit to work, Park Beom-gye-do visitation…

Candidate Jin-wook Kim “If you watch over, concerns about political neutrality will be eliminated”
Candidate Park Bum-gye, Minister of Justice, meeting preparatory hearing
“Kim Jin-wook, lack of investigative experience other than that of judge and lawyer”
Beom-gye Park, possible issue of the coming of the’Samrye Nara Super Case’


Candidate Jin-wook Kim and Candidate of Justice Minister Park Beom-gye went to the hearing preparation office side by side to prepare for personnel verification.

Both candidates, who were former judges, said they would go to the verification with a low attitude, but did not say that they would reveal at the personnel hearing about the points that they are concerned about political neutrality.

This is Han Dong-oh.


Candidate Jin-wook Kim, who took the subway to the hearing preparation office for the first time.

The first thing I emphasized was that it would give back the authority of the airlift to the people.

[김진욱 / 공수처장 후보자 : 공수처가 가지는 권한, 국민으로부터 받은 권한인데요. 이 권한을 국민께 어떻게 되돌려드릴 수 있을까 앞으로 심사숙고하겠습니다.]

He said that if you patiently watch over political neutrality concerns, it would be dispelled, and to point out that he had no investigative experience, he said that the airlift is not the sole agency of the chief executive.

[김진욱 / 공수처장 후보자 : 차장, 수사처 검사, 수사관, 다른 직원분도 계시고, 하나의 팀으로 일하게 될 것입니다. 서로 보완하고 하면서 수사를 해나갈 것입니다.]

Justice Minister Candidate Park Beom-gye also visited the Seoul High Prosecutor’s Office for the first time, where the office of the preparatory group for the hearing will be organized, and met with officials.

Candidate Park emphasized’humbleness’ and’listening’, but was spared any questions about his relationship with Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol.

[박범계 / 법무부 장관 후보자 : (윤석열 검찰총장과 관계를 어떻게 설정하실 건지?) 어제도 말씀드렸지만, 인사청문을 준비하고 청문회장에서 말씀드리도록 하겠습니다.]

As both candidates begin preparing for a full-fledged hearing, attention now turns to what issues will be at issue at the hearing.

Candidate Jin-wook Kim has experience as a judge, lawyer, and researcher at the Constitutional Court, but his lack of investigative experience is considered a weakness.

It was also argued that the recommendation committee explained that it “showed an integrity” and that the fact that he lived in a private house worth over 1.2 billion won was contradicted.

It is observed that candidate Park Bum-gye’s career ruling on the’Samnye Nara Super Robbery’ when he served as a judge may rise as an issue again.

It is also pointed out that there is a potential for a conflict of interest in that Candidate Park is being prosecuted in the National Assembly’s fast track case and is being tried.

With both candidates forming a preparation team and preparing for the personnel hearing, it is noteworthy whether they can pass the public verification.

YTN Han Dong-oh[[email protected]]is.

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