[사회]’Kim Hak’s re-transfer’ prosecution speeds up the investigation of Lee Seong-yoon and Lee Gyu-won again…


The high-ranking public officials criminal investigation office is speeding up the investigation by resuming prosecutor Lee Gyu-won and notifying Seoul Central District Prosecutor’s Office Lee Seong-yoon of the summons.

The Ministry of Public Affairs is also considering whether to re-transfer to the prosecutors’ office on the additional charges of prosecutor Gyu-won Lee, which was handed over from the Seoul Central District Prosecutors’ Office.

Reporter Na Hye-in reports.


[김진욱 / 고위공직자범죄수사처장 (16일, 국회 법사위) : 저희가 재량으로 이첩하면서 우선적 공소권은 유보했다, 나중에 행사할 것을. 이런 식의 이첩이 현행법상 가능하고, 특히 이 사건의 경우에는 적절하다….]

The prosecution is speeding up the investigation of the alleged illegal departure ban of Kim Hak’s former vice-minister, while the air defense agency is in conflict, saying that it will only relocate the investigation and decide whether to be prosecuted or not.

First, in connection with the suspicion of external pressure in the investigation, the Seoul Central District Prosecutor’s Office Lee Seong-yoon, who refused to respond to the subpoena notification, requested another attendance.

This is the fourth subpoena after requesting three attendances before repatriating to the airlift.

Five days after receiving the case back, prosecutor Lee Gyu-won, who had requested an emergency ban on departure from former Vice Minister Kim, also called again and conducted an intensive investigation for over nine hours.

As the investigation into the incumbent prosecutors is rapidly progressing, attention is now being focused on the direction of their recruitment.

Prosecutor Lee Gyu-won, who has already been subpoenaed five times, has been observed that the request for an arrest warrant has entered the countdown, as well as the possibility of requesting an arrest warrant if Chief Prosecutor Lee Seong-yoon continues to refuse to be subpoenaed.

However, prosecutor Gyu-won Lee is in a state that another case has been passed on to the airlift.

It is a suspicion that the interview report of the construction contractor Yoon Joong-cheon was falsely written or leaked to the outside when Kim Hak’s former vice minister was affiliated with the fact-finding group of the past two years ago and investigated the suspicion of hospitality.

The Seoul Central District Prosecutors’ Office has been investigating it, and only charges that fall under the crimes of high-ranking public officials have been picked up and handed over to the airlift.

Airborne Minister Kim Jin-wook said that this case also has more than 20 records, and said that it will take time to decide the direction to deal with it.

Again, the options are similar, such as direct investigation or re-transfer to the prosecution, but it is difficult to conclude sooner or later, as the airborne prosecutor’s interview is ongoing until next week.

[김진욱 / 고위공직자범죄수사처장 : (이규원 검사 공수처 이첩됐는데, 면담 요청한 건 없었나요?) 없었습니다. 아마 늦게 온 거 같던데, 기록도요.]

It is said that if the Airborne Ministry re-transfers the case again, the prosecution will also consider a plan to investigate the case of prosecutor Lee Gyu-won at the Suwon District Prosecutor’s Office to investigate the suspicion of the ban on departure.

The prosecution is likely to continue to rein in the investigation of the former Vice Minister Kim’s case until the airlift unit formed an organization, while the nerve wars over the airlift’s conditional re-transfer policy continue to continue.

This is YTN Na Hye-in.

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