[사회]It seems to be less than 400 new confirmations… Extending distance by 2 weeks


Corona 19 daily confirmed cases are expected to be less than 400 for two days in a row.

Ahead of the school’s opening this week, quarantine authorities are watching closely as group infections continue to occur everywhere.

The current social distancing phase is extended for two weeks starting today.

Reporter Kim Jong-gyun.


As of today 0 o’clock, the number of new confirmed corona19 a day is expected to be less than 400.

There are 328 new confirmed cases by 9 o’clock last night.

Compared to the same time the day before, there are 21 more.

By midnight when the count is closed, the mid-to-late 300 people are expected.

[손영래 / 중앙사고수습본부 사회전략반장 : 3차 유행이 재확산된 경향은 나타나지는 않으나, 아직은 매일 300~400명대의 많은 환자가 발생하며 정체 국면을 보이고 있습니다.]

Yesterday, sporadic infections continued in various living spaces.

Ten related confirmed cases came from a daycare center in Dongducheon, Gyeonggi-do.

At a box manufacturing company in Icheon, Gyeonggi-do, 20 employees were tested positive.

Emergency quarantine measures were taken at the government offices of Sejong and Gwacheon, with three confirmed public officials coming out one after another.

If you relax a little, there is still the risk of re-spreading at any time.

Because of this, the current distancing phase is extended for two weeks starting today.

The ban on private meetings with more than 5 people and restrictions on business hours remain the same.

[권덕철 / 중앙재난안전대책본부 1차장 : 코로나19가 다시 확산되지 않도록 기본에 충실해야 합니다. 마스크 쓰기, 손 씻기, 거리 두기 등 방역수칙을 철저하게 지켜주실 것을 간곡히 당부드립니다.]

The number of new confirmed cases may increase if the alertness becomes dull with the start of the COVID-19 vaccination.

Following the March 1 holiday, the opening of school this week is also a variable, and the quarantine authorities are closely monitoring the situation.

YTN Kim Jong-gyun[[email protected]]is.

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