[사회]If you get a vaccine, your daily life will recover?…”Masks and distances continue”


Anticipation for daily recovery is growing ahead of next month’s COVID-19 vaccination.

If you get the vaccine, you can take off your mask and have a meeting, but this year will not be easy.

Reporter Hyung-won Lee reported on why.


The biggest weapon against COVID-19 infection in the past year was distance from masks.

That’s why my daily routine has become farther away, but even if the vaccination starts next month, it is difficult to recover immediately.

[정은경 / 중앙방역대책본부장 (지난 18일) : 집단면역에 대한 형성 시기는 그런 면역 형성 기간까지 고려하면 11월 정도일 거로 예측합니다. (다만) 종식되는 게 아니기 때문에 거리 두기, 마스크 착용 등이(병행돼야)….]

Population immunity can be expected only when the vaccine works as much as possible, but experts predict that it will not be easy.

[기모란 / 대한예방의학회 코로나19 대책위원장 : 맞는 시기가 다 다르기 때문에 평생 가는 면역이 아닌 이상 이미 맞아서 시간이 지난 사람 한쪽에서는 면역이 없어질 거고, 한쪽에서는 이제 맞아서 아직 면역이 안 생겼을 거고….]

In particular, it is pointed out that vaccine limitations are clear, considering the characteristics of COVID-19, which can spread even during asymptomatic infections.

It should be noted that most of the clinical trials for asymptomatic infection blocking effects have not been conducted at all, and the vaccine itself does not even lower the risk of transmission.

[이혁민 / 세브란스병원 진단검사의학과 교수 : (백신을 맞으면) 어느 정도 높은 확률로 나는 안전하겠지만, 다른 사람에게 전파할 가능성은 남는 거에요.]

It is impossible to prevent 100% of the infection itself with a vaccine, so it is essential to keep a distance from wearing a mask in the future.

Fatigue is bound to increase, and the government is planning to subdivide quarantine rules based on activities and actions.

YTN Hyungwon Lee[[email protected]]is.

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