[사회]If you don’t say goodbye to online greetings, you’ll have a drink…


Following last year, this year, each college student who is receiving the so-called Corona student class is welcoming freshmen in a unique way.

From online greetings to drinking parties, unique ways to protect newcomers from memories and excitement are emerging.

Reporter Dayeon Kim reports.


The seats in the venue where 800 people could easily gather were empty.

The freshmen who would have filled the seats at this time of year, greet through the screen.

Unlike last year, when all events were canceled due to Corona 19, a’non-face-to-face’ freshman briefing session was held.

[최은지 / 연세대학교 총학생회장 : 코로나19로 인해 21년도 1학기도 전면 비대면으로 진행되는데요. 새로운 시작을 앞둔 연세 학우 분들 다들 몸 건강히 잘 지내고 계신가요?]

Freshmen with twinkling eyes have many questions about how to put the first button in college life.

[비대면 신입생 설명회 참가 학생 : (새내기로서) 졸업 전에 어떤 경험들을 해봐야 할까요?]

From class registration to club activities and festivals, seniors want to tell newbies a lot.

Second grade seniors who were called the first Corona student number and did not enjoy proper college life have a lot to say about non-face-to-face classes.

[21학번 후배들에게 전하는 편지 中 : 저도 처음엔 줌이 서툴고 비대면으로 학우들과 교류하는 것이 되게 어색했습니다. 여러분들도 금방 익숙해질 거로 생각합니다.]

On Friday evening, students sat in front of laptops holding food.

It’s not a crowded welcome party, but three new students and three enrolled students come together to create a story.

Drinking is also non-face-to-face.
Hankuk University of Foreign Studies decided not to hold a face-to-face event, but rather a long non-face-to-face OT for two weeks.

Five or six people gather in a video every day to perform the mission before enrollment.

[구명준 / 한국외대 총학생회 문화기획국장 : 작년 같은 경우는 새내기 새로 배움터가 갑자기 취소되다 보니까 아무런 행사 없이 진행됐는데 올해 같은 경우는 저희가 예측할 수 있었기 때문에….]

The newbies have only been in college, but I feel relieved to meet the seniors like this.

[박채원 / 한국외대 신입생 : 이렇게 온라인으로 만나면서 하니까 좀 더 다양한 활동들을 해볼 수 있는 거 같고 오프라인으로 실제로 만나게 되면 좀 더 반갑지 않을까 싶은 생각이 들어서….]

College students, who have already reached their second student class since Corona 19, are welcoming newcomers in their own way, taking lessons from the past year.

YTN Dayeon Kim[[email protected]]is.

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