[사회]Humidifier Mate Exposed Mouse/Human Cell Abnormal Reactions…”Ministry of Environment, Need to Retest”


Unlike oxy products,’Humidifier Mate’, the second most reported product among humidifier disinfectants, was not guilty of all officials from manufacturers and sales companies, saying that unlike oxy products, the harmfulness of its ingredients was not sufficiently proven.

Recently, as a result of preliminary experiments using the humidifier mate product itself, abnormal reactions were found in cells of rats and humans.

This is Shin Joon-myeong.


Last month, the court sentenced 13 people, including former CEO Hong Ji-ho of SK Chemicals, who manufactured or sold humidifier disinfectants using CMIT and MIT as raw materials, to acquittal in the first trial.

The combined results of all the studies done to date do not prove that this ingredient caused or worsened lung disease and asthma.

I looked at the CMIT and MIT comprehensive reports from the Ministry of Environment.

Of the 30 cases, only one was tested with the Humidifier Mate product itself.

The rest of the experiments were made with a raw material called Caton CG.

As humidifier mate is a complex chemical substance containing CMIT and MIT, magnesium salts, fragrances, etc., an additional experiment on the finished product is necessary, and a member of the National Assembly commissioned the study.

The researchers injected four rats with a humidifier mate solution directly into their lungs every two days.

Average weight loss was found in the 3rd dose, and after the 4th dose, 1 animal died from the cause of the Buddha.

After the last 5 doses, one rat began to breathe harshly.

An autopsy of this rat showed that one lung turned white, and blood was collected in the center of the lung and clumped.

In addition, when the product diluted 200 to 1 was administered to human bronchial epithelial cells, a hole was formed in the nucleus, and the cytoplasm increased, which showed abnormal reactions.

As this study is a preliminary experiment, further research is needed to elucidate the causal relationship between adverse reactions and product hazards.

[박은정 / 경희대학교 동서의학연구소 교수 : 저도 처음 본 세포 모습인데, 세포 모양이 완전히, 너무 특이하게 변화해서 저도 많은 고민을 하면서 계속 연구를 하고 있습니다.]

The first trial court also made it clear that it concluded only with the evidence presented at the time, saying that it did not know what kind of evaluation historically would be received if further research results were released.

This is why some point out that additional experiments, such as research on the product itself, are required.

[최종윤 / 더불어민주당 의원 : 정부에서도 2심을 준비하면서 실험 설계를 다시 해서, 본 제품으로 실험해서 그 실험 결과로 실체적 진실에 더 다가가고 피해자분들도 수긍할 수 있는 결과를 줬으면 좋겠습니다.]

Environment Minister Han Jeong-ae also said at a personnel hearing that the judiciary seems to have requested a more clear causal relationship, and that if necessary, additional experiments related to CMIT and MIT will be conducted.

YTN Shin Junmyeong[[email protected]]is.

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