[사회]’Gukjeong Nongdan’ finished after 4 years of judicial proceedings…only Lee Jae-yong remains


As former President Park Geun-hye received a final judgment in the Supreme Court, the judicial proceedings in the case of Gukjeong Nongdan entered the final stage.

When the sentence of Samsung Electronics Vice Chairman Lee Jae-yong, who is scheduled to be sentenced to remand for destruction on the 18th, is confirmed, the main trial, which lasted for about four years, is virtually ended.

This is reporter Lee Jong-won.


In the investigation of the’Gukjeong Nongdan’ case, the tablet PC of Choi Soon-sil, who was renamed Choi Seo-won, became the decisive fire.

[최서원 (개명 前 최순실) / 2016년 10월 : (비선 실세로 꼽히셨는데 지금 심경에 대해서 한 마디 부탁합니다) 죄송합니다. 국민 여러분 용서해 주십시오.]

Although the prosecution belatedly set up a special investigation headquarters, as the public resentment over the existence of so-called’nonseniority’ grew, the subject of the investigation was transferred to a special prosecutor.

[박영수 / 특별검사(2017년 3월) : (이재용 부회장이) 자신의 경영권 승계 과정에서 도움을 받을 목적으로 회사 자금을 횡령해 대통령과 최순실에게 뇌물을 공여하고….]

The results of the special prosecution investigation led to the unprecedented impeachment of the president

[이정미 / 당시 헌법재판소장 권한대행 : 주문, 피청구인 대통령 박근혜를 파면한다.]

The prosecution, who took over the investigative data again and undertook a reinforcement investigation, eventually arrested former President Park Geun-hye and put it in court.

[박근혜 / 前 대통령 (2017년 3월) : 국민 여러분께 송구스럽게 생각합니다. 성실하게 조사에 임하겠습니다.]

At the beginning of the trial, the appearance of the court was revealed to the media, but after that, due to former President Park’s refusal to attend, the trial proceeded as a’default trial’ without defendants.

As former President Park received a final decision after the twists and turns of receiving the Supreme Court’s judgment twice, the judicial proceedings for Gukjeong Nongdan, which have been around for four years, are now approaching the end.

Choi Seo-won was also sentenced to 18 years in prison in June last year.

Vice-Chairman Lee, who was indicted under arrest, was sentenced to imprisonment in the first trial, but after being released on probation in the appeals trial, he is being tried for destruction and repatriation.

Earlier, the special prosecutor asked Vice-Chairman Lee to be sentenced to nine years in prison at a decision hearing last month, and a sentence of revocation of destruction will be imposed on the 18th.

There is a possibility that the case of Vice Chairman Lee may lead to a re-appeal, but the issue has already been settled through the judgment of the Supreme Court, and the judicial proceedings for the first case of Gukjeong Nongdan are now heading to an end.

This is YTN Jongwon Lee.

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