[사회]’Group food poisoning’ 5 years imprisonment for director of Ansan kindergarten…

Last year’s Ansan kindergarten’group food poisoning’… 97 infections
“Food contamination in refrigerators over 10 degrees Celsius”
5 years imprisonment for the president… At least 2 years in prison as a cook or nutritionist


A group food poisoning incident that occurred in a kindergarten in Ansan in June of last year.

In the first trial, the kindergarten director, nutritionist, and cook were sentenced to jail.

The judge strongly rebuked the attitude of seeing children as a means of making money.

Reporter Hong Min-ki reports.


A kindergarten in Ansan, where a group food poisoning crisis occurred in June of last year.

97 out of 184 kindergarten students were infected with intestinal hemorrhagic E. coli.

Of these, 18 suffered from hemolytic uremic syndrome, so-called’Hamburger’s disease’, and even received kidney dialysis treatment.

The reason was that the refrigerator was worn out for more than 20 years, and the temperature in the drawer compartment of food materials exceeded 10 degrees.

[유은혜 / 교육부 장관 (지난해 8월) : (오염 식자재를) 직접 섭취했거나, 조리·보관 과정에서 조리도구나 싱크대 등을 통해 교차오염이 발생했을 가능성이 큽니다.]

Eight months after the incident, a first trial ruling came out.

The director was sentenced to five years in prison and a fine of 10 million won, and kindergarten cooks and dietitians were sentenced to two years, six months and two years, respectively.

The judiciary explained that it was acknowledged that all kindergarten meals were provided without properly checking and causing irreparable damage to children.

In addition, they ruled that they systematically interfered with the epidemiological investigation by submitting fake preservation meals and transaction statements according to the direction of the ledger.

In particular, he criticized the director, saying, “We thought of running a kindergarten as a means of making money, not education for children.”

Parents of victims who watched the ruling said they hope this will never happen again.

[김무열 / 피해 학부모 : 최종 판결에서 설명해 주신 걸 들어 보니, 아이들이 매우 아팠고, 얼마나 고통받았는지 공감하고 계시는구나 하는 걸 느꼈고….]

[안현미 / 피해 학부모 : 아이들을 자기 사유 재산을 굴리는 데 수단이 됐다는 것 자체가…. 정말 다시는 이런 일이 일어나지 않았으면 좋겠어요.]

There is also a civil lawsuit against the director by 18 guardians of seriously ill children.

It is known that officials such as the director are also considering appeals, and their court battles are expected to continue for some time.

YTN Hong Min-ki[[email protected]]is.

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