[사회]Greenhouse Gas 0’Carbon Neutral’ Target’Acceleration’ for 2050

Five major groups invest 43.4 trillion won in hydrogen economy by 2030
Strengthening global greenhouse gas reduction… Expansion of eco-friendly market
“By 2050, all vehicles will be replaced by hydrogen and electric vehicles”


One of the most frequently used words in governments and companies these days is’carbon neutrality’.

It is said that carbon neutral is a state in which the actual emission is ‘0 (zero)’ by reducing the amount of greenhouse gas emissions from burning oil or coal as much as possible.

Efforts to reduce GHG emissions are accelerating with the goal of completing’carbon neutral’ in 2050.

Reporter Seung-Hoon Lee reports.


Hyundai Motor Company and SK decided to go together.

When Hyundai makes a hydrogen car, SK pays the fuel.

The rest of the companies, including POSCO, also decided to contribute to the storage and distribution of hydrogen, and the combined investment amounted to over 43 trillion won.

This’corporate alliance’ was established because’eco-friendly business’ is a food of the future that cannot be given up.

The government, which has to do its homework’reduction of greenhouse gases’, has, of course, vowed to help with this change.

[정세균 / 국무총리 : 수소 경제로의 전환은 우리 사회 시스템 전반의 변화를 필요로 합니다. 국민과 기업 정부가 함께 달리기도 해야 하고 이어달리기도 해야 합니다.]

With a goal of zero greenhouse gas, all vehicles on the road will be replaced by hydrogen and electric vehicles by 2050.

To this end, we decided to increase the operation of electric hydrogen vehicles to 300,000 this year and devote the rest of our capabilities to increasing the supply of renewable energy.

Details to fill this plan will come out around June.

[황석태 / 환경부 생활환경정책실장 : 온실가스 종합정보센터에 기술작업반을 구성해 감축 잠재량을 분석한 결과를 바탕으로 복수의 시나리오를 제한하게 됩니다.]

Our GHG emissions are the 7th in the world and 4th in the world for per person.

This is why the international community continues to press hard to reduce carbon consumption in a hurry.

YTN Seung-Hoon Lee[[email protected]]is.

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