[사회]Grandma Lee Yong-soo “Comfort women issue, please let me judge international law”


Grandmother Lee Yong-soo, a victim of comfort women in the Japanese military, held a press conference and appealed for the issue of comfort women to be judged by international law.

I will connect reporters. Reporter Kim Kyung-soo!

Let’s start with the news of Grandma Lee Yong-soo’s press conference.


Grandma Lee Yong-soo’s press conference was held at 11 am today at the Seoul Press Center.

Grandma Lee Yong-soo, who started an interview with an appeal to the President and the people, said that although she has done everything she can, Japan’s attitude has not changed.

They also criticized the Japanese government for claiming that Korea has violated international law or for lying to a Harvard University professor.

Lee Yong-soo said she was running out of time and appealed to the International Court of Justice on the issue of comfort women in the Japanese military so that Japan could admit the fault and convict.

At the same time, he said that both Korea and Japan should receive a fair judgment to completely resolve this issue and get along well.


It is still unclear whether the comfort women issue will be dealt with at the International Court of Justice as Grandma Lee Yong-soo wishes?


Yes, the International Court of Justice is the main judicial body of the United Nations as defined in the United Nations Charter.

All member states, including Korea and Japan, have legal obligations to comply with the judgments of the International Court of Justice.

In order to proceed with the International Court of Justice, the agreement of the governments of the parties is required.

The’Comfort Women Issue of the Japanese Military Commission Commission on Referral to the International Court of Justice’, which held a press conference today with Grandma Lee Yong-soo, said that it has already delivered a request for referral to the International Court of Justice through official channels such as the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family.

However, even if the Korean government decides on a lawsuit at the International Court of Justice, it is difficult to predict whether it will actually lead to a lawsuit because the Japanese government must also accept it.

And even if we are tried in the International Court of Justice, we cannot guarantee that the results we want will be produced.

However, the promotion committee insisted that the procedures of the International Court of Justice are transparent and not disadvantageous to Korea.

According to past rulings, the International Court of Justice has taken a strict attitude even against the violations of international law by great powers.

He also predicted that it would be possible to raise fundamental issues such as the illegality of the comfort women issue, and explained that it is meaningful to keep records of written data and testimony of victims during the lawsuit.

So far, the Ministry of Social Affairs has delivered it.

Kim Kyungsoo [[email protected]]

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