[사회]From tomorrow, the prosecutor-general candidate election period…

Ministry of Justice accepts the recommendation of the Prosecutor General from tomorrow to the 22nd
Non-disclosed written recommendation… For those who have more than 15 years of legal experience


The Ministry of Justice will be nominated for the next president-elect candidate, who will succeed former Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol for a week starting tomorrow (15th).

With the controversy surrounding the prosecution reform, such as the Severe Crime Investigation Office, in reality, it is noteworthy who will become the last prosecutor general of the Moon Jae-in administration.

Reporter Na Hye-in reports.


The next candidate for the prosecution can be nominated by the 22nd, including corporations and organizations.

If you think that it is suitable among those with more than 15 years of judgement, prosecutor, or attorney experience, you can write down the reason for recommendation and send it to the Justice Department.

The president’s Inseon is progressing so fast that Justice Minister Park Bum-gye writes the expression’electrical petrochemical’.

The composition of the Candidate Recommendation Committee, which used to take more than three weeks at the earliest time, also ended a week after former President Yoon Suk-yeol resigned.

While controversy over the reforms of the prosecutors’ office, such as the Great Crimes Investigation Office, still remains, it is interpreted as a means to quickly resolve the cluttered situation due to the vacancy of the head of the prosecution.

There were internal criticisms from the prosecution that most of the recommended members, including former Justice Minister Park Sang-sang, who took over as chairman, were made up of pro-passport propensity, but Minister Park Beom-gye drew a line.

[박범계 / 법무부 장관 (그제) : (검찰총장 후보 추천위원회 구성에 공정성이 있느냐는 지적이 있는데?) 그렇게 생각하지 않습니다.]

Prosecutors’ candidates for the next president-elect include Lee Seong-yoon, Seoul Central District Prosecutor’s Office, Cho Nam-gwan, the Deputy Prosecutor of the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office, and Han Dong-soo, the Supreme Prosecutor’s Office.

Prosecutor Lee Seong-yoon is a college junior to President Moon Jae-in and is considered a representative pro-government person within the prosecution, but there are also obstacles, such as being involved in the suspected illegal departure of Kim Hak-eui from the former Vice Minister of Justice.

Deputy Prosecutor Nam-gwan Cho, who is in charge of acting as the third President of the Republic of Korea, worked as the Prosecutor General of the Ministry of Justice during the days of former Minister Choo Mi-ae, but in the disciplinary phase of former President Yun, he took a step to set a corner.

On the other hand, the prosecution manager Han Dong-soo, who was a former judge, confronted former President Yoon during the investigation of the Channel A case or the investigation of a perjury teacher suspicion by former Prime Minister Han Myung-sook’s investigation team.

Among former prosecutors, former vice minister of Justice Kim Oh-soo and others have come up with Hamapyeong, while some observers say that it is a surprise selection of a non-prosecutor’s president.

At the end of the submission period, the Minister of Justice selects those he deems suitable and presents them to the Presidential Candidate Nomination Committee.

The nomination committee recommends three or more people to the minister again after screening, and the minister respects this and proposes the final candidate to the president.

Considering the schedule of personnel hearings, the Moon Jae-in administration’s last prosecutor general is expected to take office as early as the end of next month.

This is YTN Na Hye-in.

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