[사회]From the arrival at the airport on the 8th, “Submit all foreign PCR negative confirmations”


In the future, all foreigners entering the country must submit a negative PCR confirmation to enter the country.

It appears to be a follow-up to growing concerns over the spread of the UK mutant virus.

Reporter Mansu Lee on the report.


Foreigners coming from the UK and South Africa these days are required to submit negative PCR confirmations.

Of course, the transit is no exception.

‘PCR negative confirmation’ is literally a document proving that you have been tested for Corona 19 and have been tested negative again.

During the pandemic in July last year,

It was introduced for the management of immigrants in so-called’quarantine reinforcement target’ countries where Corona 19 has spread widely.

However, for the time being, all foreigners coming to Korea must submit a negative PCR confirmation to be permitted to enter the country.

It must be issued within 72 hours of departure.

From the arrival at the airport on the 8th and the arrival at the port on the 15th.

This measure is interpreted as a measure to block the inflow of mutant viruses from the UK.

The government said that the action was decided through a meeting of relevant ministries, and that specific guidelines will also come out when announcing the “distance” adjustment plan.

In addition, as a result of this reinforcement, Korean nationals entering the country from the UK and South Africa must also submit a negative confirmation.

This is Mansoo Lee, YTN.

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