[사회]”For the first time in history, the population has decreased”…the resident registration population has decreased by 20,000 people in 2020


Last year, it was found that the population in Korea has declined for the first time in history.

This is because the number of deaths has increased rather than the number of births as the extremely low birth rate continued.

Reporter Ki Jung-hoon reports.


As of the end of last year, the number of residents registered in Korea was 58,299,23.

There are 2,838 fewer than a year ago.

Because the number of births decreased and the number of deaths increased.

The number of births per year last year was about 275,000, down more than 10% from the previous year.

In 3 years after falling below 400,000 in 2017, even 300,000 people collapsed.

By comparison, the number of deaths increased by 3% from the previous year to about 307,000.

Population decline began with the so-called dead cross phenomenon, where the number of deaths outpaced the number of births.

Even serious government concerns have not prevented the continued ultra-low birth rate.

[홍남기 / 경제부총리 (지난해 8월) : 이와 같은 인구구조 변화는 생산 가능 인구의 감소, 잠재 성장률의 하락, 부양 부담의 증가 등 경제 사회 전반에 심대한 영향을 미치는 구조적인 위험 요인으로써….]

Despite the decline in the population, the number of households has increased significantly.

Last year, the number of resident-registered households was 23.93 million, an increase of 610,000 households in one year, and for the first time it surpassed 23 million.

The increase in the number of households was led by the single person generation.

Last year, the number of single-person households exceeded 9 million for the first time, accounting for nearly 40% of all households.

Together with the two-person generation, 62.6% of the total.

It shows that the shape of the family is changing rapidly.

By age, the largest population in their 50s was 8.64 million, accounting for 16.6% of the total, followed by their 40s and 30s.

Despite the decrease in the total population, the population in the metropolitan area of ​​Seoul, Gyeonggi-do, and Incheon increased by 110,000 people from the previous year, accounting for 50.2% of the total, indicating that the concentration of the metropolitan area became more severe.

YTN Ki Jeong-hoon[[email protected]]is.

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