[사회]”Following medical staff resignation due to unfair treatment”…request for emergency interview with the government

488 medical staff at the temporary laboratory, 600 people per person
“Compensation for dispatched personnel 3-4 times more than existing medical staff”
“The feeling of deprivation of the existing medical staff… leads to resignation”


Amid the prolonged coronavirus outbreak, medical staff work is increasing, and health care unions have revealed that there are cases where medical staff resign due to unfair treatment.

The critical care system was still in a mess, so we asked the government for an emergency interview.

This is reporter Ahn Yoon-hak.


Temporary screening clinic in the metropolitan area installed to block’quiet radio waves’ through preemptive inspection

There is always a long line of citizens who want to undergo a test in the heart of’just in case’.

On the 14th, 293,000 people were tested in the ten days since the operation began.

There are 488 medical staffs, including doctors and nurses, deployed in 140 temporary examination stations.

One medical staff examined 600 people, but their stamina was already low.

[임수예 / 용산구보건소 건강관리과 주무관 : 추가적으로, 선별 진료소 업무가 추가된 거라 지금 직원들도 굉장히 많이 힘들어하고 있고, 주말이고 밤이고 없이 다들 지금 근무가 돌아가고 있거든요. 휴직도 생각하고 사직도 생각하고 있습니다.]

Medical staff are thinking about resigning.

Some argued that they were being treated unfairly.

It is that the additional medical personnel dispatched by the government with support from other regions are receiving 3 to 4 times more compensation than the medical staff who previously worked.

It is explained that this leads to cases where they feel relative deprivation and quit.

[나순자 / 전국보건의료산업노동조합 위원장 : 기존 인력은 사기 저하와 박탈감으로 불만이 심각한 수준입니다. 따라서 이런 일들을 방지하기 위해 인력 관련 형평성 있는 지원이 이뤄지도록 적극적인 조치를 취해야 합니다.]

Some pointed out that the problem of severely ill patients’ beds is insufficient and that the system is still not resolved.

[안수경 / 보건의료노조 국립중앙의료원 지부장 : 중증환자가 이미 배정된 병원에 가지 못하고 취소돼 도로에서, 구급차 안에서 대기하는 일도 발생했습니다. 전담병원별 전원에 대한 컨트롤 타워가 있어야 합니다.]

The health care union demanded the government to hold emergency interviews and on-site meetings, saying that it should come up with effective measures so that medical staff can focus on quarantine.

YTN Ahn Yoonhak[[email protected]]is.

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