[사회]First childbirth, first deal, first train… moments revealed in the New Year 2021


The year of the white cow, a symbol of strength, has dawned in 2021.

Citizens who are in the New Year, have always taken their first and first steps.

From the baby born at 0 o’clock to the departure of the first train heading home,

Reporter Park Hee-jae reports.


Ten minutes before 2021.

A middle-aged couple awaits the birth of their grandchildren at an obstetrics and gynecology clinic.

Can I be born healthy?

Grandfather comforts grandmother who is nervous.

“It’s okay, it will come out well.”

At 0 o’clock, crying babies fill up the hospital through the screen.

In 2021, this is the moment the first baby was born.

Although the couple could not see their grandchildren directly due to Corona 19,

I feel grateful for just listening to a healthy cry.

[임성빈 / 새해 첫아기 할아버지 : 코로나19 정국인데 1월 1일날 당당하게 태어난 만큼 건강하고 씩씩하게 잘 자라나서 우리나라 대한민국의 큰 재목이 됐으면 하는 바람입니다.]

At the same time, in the fruit market, the wholesaler finished the first strawberry deal safely.

Merchants who were more difficult to eat and live with Corona 19 say that the most important thing is health.

[최유현 / 백과상회 사장 : 올해는 참 힘든 해였습니다. 2021년에는 딸기 농사도 잘 짓고 국민 여러분들이 다 건강하고 그랬으면 좋겠습니다.]

In a game that was as frozen as a fierce cold wave, the first export cargo plane in the new year flew vigorously into the sky.

[김종우 / 화물기 탑재관리자 : 여객기 내 화물칸을 이용해 화물을 운송하는 델리카고 영업을 지속 확대 도모하고 있습니다.]

The road to my hometown where I couldn’t get up because of COVID-19 worries,

The platform where the first train leaves was busy, but when I thought to see my family after a long time, my heart fluttered again.

[강유리 / 새해 열차 첫 탑승객 : 뭔가 2021년을 다른 사람들보다 부지런하게 시작하는 것 같기도 하고 또 오랜만에 본가에 내려가는 거라서 좀 설레고 기분이 좋은 것 같아요.]

Like a white cow that symbolizes strength, the citizens started the new year with great strength.

This is YTN Park Hee-jae.

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