[사회]”Finally Feeling Family” Begins contact visit to nursing hospital…Non-face-to-face still remains


The visits to nursing hospitals and nursing facilities, which were banned due to concerns of corona 19 infection, have resumed from today.

The son and mother, whom I met after a long time, couldn’t let go of each other’s hands for a long time.

In many cases, contact interview conditions were difficult, and contactless visits were still held.

This is Sohn Hyo-jung.


Lee Yong-beom, who had never met her mother who was fighting cancer four months ago in a nursing hospital.

Now I ran to the hospital after a month to say that in-person visits were allowed conditionally.

However, it is not easy to meet.

I was able to enter the hospital room only after receiving a negative test by the rapid antigen test and wearing all 4 types of protective equipment.

“(You came out by voice.) Oh, yes, is that right? Then can I visit you? (Yes, it is possible.)

Finally, the face of my mother.

Nostalgia and joy erupt beyond masks and protective clothing.

“Oh, my mother, it’s me.” “(Did you come?) How are you? (Uh, how are you.) How are you eating? (You are eating well.)”

The son and mother will not let go of their hands because they will miss the warmth transmitted through the gloves.

Visiting time is only 10 minutes.

The son can’t take his eyes off the mother who has to go back to the hospital room.

[손용창 / 요양병원 어르신 : 여기 와서는 한 번도 면회를 못했어. 말할 것 없이 고맙고 반갑지.]

[이용범 / 서울 화곡동 : (예전에는) 칸막이가 있어서 비접촉으로 얼굴 정도만 뵙고 말소리가 잘 안 들렸죠. 아무리 장갑 꼈다고 하더라도 어머니의 체온이 느껴지는 것 같습니다.]

The quarantine authorities strictly followed the quarantine rules and allowed face-to-face visits on the condition that time limits were observed.

Patients who are on the verge of dying or in critical condition are able to visit face-to-face at the discretion of their attending physician.

As the risk of infection remains, there are still more hospitals that offer contactless visits with transparent glass walls in between.

“Grandmother! Jihoon. You can see it well, me? Are you okay?”

[문지훈 / 인천 부평구 산곡동 : 얼굴 오랜만에 뵈어서 반갑기도 해서 손도 잡아드리고 싶은데 이 벽이 막고 있어서 마음이 좀 속상하지만 그래도 오랜만에 얼굴 뵐 수 있어서 좋았어요.]

Although it is still limited, the news of the visit to the elderly in nursing hospitals, who had a great deal of loneliness for not meeting their families properly, is just as welcome as the spring breeze.

YTN Son Hyojeong[[email protected]]is.

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