[사회]”Don’t let me come to see the sunrise” petition to suspend KTX to Gangneung

In spite of the spread of Corona 19, as reports such as KTX reservations sold out at the new year’s sunrise continued, a public petition came up saying, “Please do not let me see the sun.”

Recently, a petition message was posted on the Blue House National Petition bulletin board titled’Stop KTX going to Gangneung at sunrise’.

“Currently, on January 1, KTX to Gangneung from Seoul is sold out,” said Cheong Won-in. “In addition, people will be crowded on the east coast, which is famous for sunrise such as Jeongdongjin and Pohang.”

“It’s not to depreciate the people of Seoul, but compared to the metropolitan area, if one or two people are infected with the virus, it is more contagious because it is a narrow neighborhood.” The number of confirmed cases was confirmed to be more than 70 in one day.”

Petitioner said, “In such an emergency, is it right to come to see the sun on the east coast that lacks containment facilities? Mr. President?” and said, “If KTX cannot be stopped, step 3 must be implemented and our economy is also all-stop. “Please let me not come to see” he appealed.

At the same time, he raised his voice, saying, “I lost my job due to the corona,” and “I don’t want to lose my living base. Please come up with a coercive measure, not a recommendation.”

Accordingly, the city of Gangneung announced a public appeal on the 22nd. Gangneung Mayor Kim Han-geun said in an urgent appeal, “Gangneung City will close all major beaches from 0 o’clock on the 24th to 24:00 on January 3 of the New Year, and stop operating major tourist facilities, including Ojukheon. I decided to do it.”

Mayor Kim said, “As a citizen who lost his valuable job due to the Corona 19 incident appealed to the national petition bulletin board, the citizens of the east coast, including Gangneung, are trembling with’Sunrise Fear’ rather than’Sunrise Special’. We are facing a limit and the medical system will collapse.”

He also appealed, “Let’s take care of each other and work together to overcome this disaster,” and “I beg you to postpone the next opportunity to find a spot at sunrise for this purpose.”

Due to such concerns, Jeongdongjin Station, which is famous as a sunrise spot, is completely prohibited from viewing the New Year’s sunrise from the 31st to January 1st of next year, and is restricted to only train passengers. In addition, passengers who get off at Jeongdongjin Station must move out of the station immediately following the guidance of the staff upon arrival.

YTN PLUS Reporter Eunbi Lee
([email protected])

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
