[사회]”Distortion of research results”…academia also criticizes’humidifier mate innocence’


On the 12th, controversy is growing as the judiciary convicted of a humidifier disinfectant product’humidifier mate’ manufacturer and sales company.

Not only the victims, but also academics and researchers strongly criticized the judge for misunderstanding the results of the study.

This is Sohn Hyo-jung.


‘Humidifier Mate’, the second most victim of humidifier disinfectant after Oxy products.

The result of the first trial sentence for SK Chemicals, Aekyung, E-Mart, etc. that made and sold the product was innocent.

The judge saw that there was insufficient evidence to suggest that the ingredients in the product caused or worsened lung disease or asthma.

The victims were miserable at the vain innocence that came 10 years after the damage investigation was conducted.

[조순미 / 가습기 살균제 피해자 : 내 몸에서 일어나는 일이, 그것이 다 증거인데, 그 증거조차 인정하지 못하는 사법부나 가해 기업, 정부 다 받아들이지 못하고 용서할 수 없습니다.]

Academia and researchers who served as trial witnesses also criticized the judgment with one voice.

Based on the results of animal experiments, the judiciary judged that it is difficult to see that CMIT and MIT ingredients in humidifier disinfectants cause lung disease, but animal tests are secondary, and there are many toxicity that does not affect animals.

In addition, it was pointed out that the court misappropriated that the purpose of the expert’s testimony that the cause-and-effect relationship cannot be categorically stated is that the damage cannot be proved.

[김성균 / 서울대학교 환경보건학과 교수 : 이번 형사 재판의 판결 대상은 기업의 위법 행위가 아니고 과학과 연구가 갖게 되는 본질적 한계점이었습니다. 그 결과, 우리는 CMIT와 MIT를 마음껏 흡입하게 해도 책임을 물을 수 없게 됐습니다.]

Experts demanded that the level of proof of damage should be lowered in the second trial and an advisory group made up of scientists should be created.

[박태현 / 강원대 법학전문대학원 교수 : 피고인들이 산출한 위험에 대한 기본적인 비난 가능성, 그리고 물질과 피해와의 인과성을 엄격히 확정하기 어렵다는 이 사건의 특성을 고려해 증명의 정도를 낮게 설정하는 게 필요하다.]

Victims are in a position to hold press conferences and protests calling for punishment by the company.

The prosecution also appealed against the first trial ruling, saying that it gave indulgences to corporate leaders who neglected safety measures.

YTN Son Hyojeong[[email protected]]is.

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