[사회]Despite Holt’s clarification, “there was no problem with the procedure” … controversy over the adoption system


When the criticism of the Holt Children’s Welfare Association, which was in charge of the adoption of the deceased Jung In, was intensified, an official apology and explanation were made.

There were no problems with the adoption process, and the final decision on adoption was made by the court.

However, the controversy over the adoption system is hot to prevent another Jung-in from appearing.

Reporter Eom Yun-ju covered it.


The criticism against the Holt Children’s Welfare Association, who was in charge of the adoption process for the deceased Jung In, is overwhelming.

After being adopted, even after knowing the circumstances of the abuse, he left the child alone.

Holt made the first official position and said that he sincerely apologized to Jung In-yi, but insisted that there was no problem with the adoption process.

In response to the suspicion that the abuse report was not properly reported, it was explained that the first report of suspected abuse was received through a child protection agency, and that the report was received at the Yangcheon Police Station at the time.

There was nothing more to do.

Regarding the point of neglect of verification of foster parents, he explained that the final judgment on the psychiatric medical records of the wool was made in the court.

Despite the clarification, criticism has not subsided, and some point out that the state should intervene in the adoption process undertaken by private sectors like Holt.

[노혜련 / 숭실대학교 사회복지학부 교수 : 결국, 아이를 책임질 수 있는 어른이 없는 상황에서는 국가가 책임지는 게 맞죠. 아무래도 민간기관은 기관의 운영을 생각하고 이익을 생각해야 되기 때문에.]

There is also an opinion that the court, which is the subject of authorization for adoption, should be in charge of the overall investigation before adoption.

Instead of relying on the data prepared by the adoption agency, the court should do an in-depth family investigation.

[정익중 / 이화여대 사회복지학과 교수 : 입양기관의 가정 조사와 독립적으로 가정법원의 가사조사관이 가정조사를 하면 그 두 가지 가정조사를 가지고 판사가 독립적으로 판단을 하는, 세 명이 독립적으로 판단….]

On the other hand, the argument that it is not a good practice to make the adoption process difficult is also tense.

Since the problem was neglecting the abuse that occurred after adoption, the key is to strengthen the after-care system.

[김지영 / 전국입양가족연대 국장 : 지금 입양 절차에 이미 입양 기관과 사법부에서 상호 확인을 다 하거든요. 기존에 있는 제도를 좀 더 보완하거나 강화하는 내는 방법이 더 타당하지 않나 이런 생각을 합니다.]

In addition, there are growing voices that this incident should not weaken the adoption culture or create prejudice in the view of adoptee families.

This is YTN Eom Yun-ju.

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