[사회]Cumulative 70,000 patients… 562 new patients, 20 dead


The number of new corona19 confirmed cases hit 500, following yesterday.

Accordingly, the cumulative number of confirmed cases since the outbreak of Corona 19 exceeded 70,000.

The government said that the key to vaccination is speed, and called for close cooperation with relevant ministries to ensure prompt vaccination as soon as the vaccine arrives.

Connect with reporters. Reporter Seung-Hoon Lee!

As of today, the cumulative number of corona19 patients exceeded 70,000?


That’s right.

There are 562 new cases today.

Accordingly, as you said, the cumulative number of patients exceeded 70,000.

However, if you look at the current situation of the ‘3rd pandemic’, a gentle stabilization trend continues.

Looking at the route of infection, domestic outbreaks are 536 and foreign inflows are 26.

Local outbreaks increased slightly from the previous day due to the outbreak of collective infection, and the number of foreign patients decreased.

Domestic outbreaks are still concentrated in the metropolitan area.

Seoul 148, Gyeonggi 189, and Incheon 20, which is 357 in the metropolitan area alone, up from 346 yesterday.

In other regions, 42 people from Gyeongnam, 35 from Busan, 13 from Daegu, 23 from Gyeongbuk, and 20 from Gangwon.

Of the 26 foreign inflows, three were confirmed during the quarantine stage.

There are many deaths today.

The number of deaths per day increased by 20,

As reflecting the gradual decline, the number of severely ill patients decreased by 16.


At the morning script meeting, there was a discussion at the government level about vaccination, etc.?


Prior to today’s script meeting, Prime Minister Chung Sye-gyun said that the key to vaccination is speed.

In addition, we asked the relevant ministries to cooperate closely so that the vaccine would be vaccinated promptly as soon as it arrived.

Prime Minister Jung said, “I want to become a competent government that moves more agilely in the current crisis than anything else.

The government has funded small business owners to support Corona 19 damage.

Over the past two days, it said that nearly 3 trillion won was paid to 2.09 million people.

In addition, as the Lunar New Year holiday is approaching a month ahead, we have ordered relevant ministries to prepare special measures for people’s welfare in the current crisis.

YTN Lee Seung-hoon at the Ministry of Social Affairs[[email protected]]is.

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