[사회]Court ruling to allow import of’real doll’… is controversy reigniting?

Some companies “can order real dolls”… Controversy grows
The petition for “Bank Real Doll”… 260,000 people agreed
Customs clearance for’Real Doll’ is suspended after the Supreme Court decision


Another court ruling has been issued to allow the import of so-called’real doll’, an adult product modeled after a woman’s body.

Since’Real Doll’ is a sexual device, not pornography, the purpose is that the state should not interfere with the privacy of using it.

The controversy is also likely to reignite.

Reporter Lim Seong-ho reports.


The legal debate over’Real Doll’ ignited in earnest in 2019.

When the customs office withheld the customs clearance of Real Doll due to the Customs Act prohibiting import and export of’goods that harm the customs’, a Real Doll importer filed a lawsuit.

The company lost in the first trial, but the appeals court and the Supreme Court gave the company a hand.

The Supreme Court judged that real dolls are not pornography, but as sexual devices that adults use privately and secretly, and stated that the state’s intervention in this should be minimized and that import bans should be very careful.

However, the controversy grew even further as it became known that some adult products companies advertised to make Real Dolls to order.

In particular, concerns about abuse, such as being made with celebrities or children’s faces, spread around the female world, and a petition from the Blue House requesting a ban on the import and sale of real dolls has obtained 260,000 consent.

[강정수 / 청와대 디지털소통센터장(2019년 9월) : 당사자의 동의없는 ‘특정 인물 형상 리얼돌’의 제작·유통에 대해서는 엄정한 처벌이 이루어질 수 있도록 법적 검토를 해나가겠습니다.]

As controversy continues, the Korea Customs Service is still holding off customs clearance for Realdoll imports.

Since 2016, only one customs clearance has been allowed for three years, and 111 have not entered Korea even after the Supreme Court’s decision to allow imports.

The importers who rebelled against this filed a lawsuit for canceling the customs clearance hold again.

Following last June, the court has recently raised hands on the same purpose as the 2019 Supreme Court ruling.

However, the customs policy is that customs clearance is only allowed for products that have been judged to be imported through a court decision.

In principle, it is a rule to allow similar goods to be cleared after a decision to allow imports, but Realdoll has no choice but to keep customs clearance on hold due to public sentiment.

In the political world, while discussions on regulatory legislation continued, laws prohibiting the production, import, sale, and rental of real dolls were proposed, and there are claims that the so-called’real doll experience room’ should be regulated.

[박성민 / 더불어민주당 최고위원(지난해 11월) : ‘리얼돌 체험방’이란 이름으로 불법 오피스텔 성매매와 유사한 형태로 전국 86개가량 운영되는 문제가 국감에서도 지적됐습니다. (리얼돌 문제가) 보다 다각도에서 검토되고 고민될 필요가 있다고 봅니다.]

With court rulings allowing real-doll income to continue, the debate over whether women are sexually objectified and undermined human dignity, or should be viewed as an undisturbed private realm is likely to reignite.

This is YTN Seongho Lim.

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