[사회]Controversy over equity and suspicion of similar questions…

Test takers “Only some test centers are allowed to underline the code”
Ministry of Justice Announces New’Allow Underscores’ During Exam
Ministry of Justice “Sorry for the inconvenience”… Candidates raise the issue of equity


This year’s (9th) bar exam, which lasted for five days, ends today.

There was confusion from the start over whether or not to take the corona 19 confirmed patients, but the controversy did not end during the test.

Following a controversy over equity over the use of the law, suspicion was raised that almost the same question as a law school practice test was presented.

The test takers are struggling.

Reporter Kang Hee-kyung reports.


This is an article posted on the law school related community on the 2nd day of the 10th bar exam.

When it comes to saying that there seems to be some testing grounds that allowed them to underline the code, the comments of the test takers’ complaints about cheating.

The problem started with the spread of Corona 19, changing the guidelines so that one person uses the same code for 5 days in this test alone.

As fears of mixing the code used with other candidates disappeared, test inspectors at some test sites allowed’underline’, which was previously banned.

The test takers who couldn’t show anything at the other test center burst into anger.

This is because pre-marking the code in different colors and shapes will be much better for the exam.

[A 씨 / 변호사시험 응시생 (응시생-법무부 실제 통화 내용) : 공정하게 해결을 해달라고요. 제대로 시험 본 사람들이 절대 피해를 보지 않게.]

[법무부 관계자 (응시생-법무부 실제 통화 내용) : 사실은 시험 때문에 이렇게 말씀하시지만 저희는 코로나 때문에 방역에 너무 치우쳐서….]

[A 씨 / 변호사시험 응시생 (응시생-법무부 실제 통화 내용) : 아니 법전에 형광펜 치는 거랑 방역이 대체 무슨 상관인데요!]

In response to the following protest, the Ministry of Justice announced a new instruction during the trial period, “Allow underlining with highlighters”.

[시험 고사장 안내방송 (1월 8일) : 법전 사용과 관련된 응시자 여러분의 불편 민원에 대해 변경된 사항을 다음과 같이 안내합니다.]

In addition, I apologized belatedly for sorry for the inconvenience, but the dissatisfaction of test takers is growing.

[변호사시험 응시생 : 아, 이번 시험 무효 되겠구나 생각했어요. 사례형이나 기록형 시험에서는 굉장히 점수 차가 크게 나게 만들 수 있는 부분이거든요.]

To make matters worse, suspicions have been raised that almost the same question as a law school’s mock exam was presented.

The Ministry of Justice also started to find out the facts.

[방효경 / 변호사 : 밑줄 같은 경우에도 혜택을 받은 사람, 혜택을 받지 못한 사람이 존재하고 공법 기록 문제도 미리 연습할 수 있었던 소수의 학생과 그렇지 못했던 대다수 학생 사이의 공정성과 형평성이….]

Before the exam, when the Ministry of Justice tried to block the test of corona19 confirmed patients, the examinees made a constitutional petition.

In the end, just before the exam, the Constitutional Court accepted the request for provisional injunction and put a brake on it, before the Ministry of Justice came up with a countermeasure.

The exam is finished after twists and turns, but the controversy is expected to continue as it is a policy that the candidates will immediately take legal action.

YTN Kang Hee-kyung[[email protected]]is.

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