[사회]Chu Mi-ae’s last review…

The third regular greeting for the’Chumi Ae System’… Virtually last
Conducted’review prosecutor’ first before senior executives
Senior executive personnel, scheduled after Park Bum-gye’s inauguration


Justice Minister Choo Mi-ae today was the last prosecutor as he announced the review.

High-ranking prosecutors are scheduled to take place after the official inauguration of Justice Minister Park Bum-gye, and attention is focused on the direction of prosecutors, so-called President Yoon Seok-yeol and Minister Choo Mi-ae.

Reporter Park Seo-kyung reports.


Personnel for 542 prosecutors, including 11 high-level prosecutors and 531 general prosecutors, will be held on the 1st of the following month.

The Ministry of Justice explained that the best prosecutors in the Criminal Department who faithfully did the work related to public welfare and the excellent human rights prosecutors selected by the Korean Bar Association were given preference.

They also added that they assigned excellent female prosecutors to key positions and greeted the certified professional prosecutors to show their capabilities.

This greeting is the third regular person in the system of Minister Chu and the last person in office.

Normally, the prosecutor’s office was conducted by senior executives at the prosecutor’s level or higher, but this time, unusually, the prosecutor’s personnel were executed before the senior executives.

This is because the prosecution’s internal regulations stipulate that regular prosecutors are issued on the first Monday of February every year. Most of them are conducted according to customary practices such as rotational work, so there is not much to be involved in.

High-ranking officials above the prosecutor’s level that draw attention from both inside and outside the prosecution will be held after the official inauguration of Minister Park Bum-gye.

At the moment, the direction of prosecutors who were classified as aides of President Yoon Suk-yeol under the Chu system and who had been relegated in large numbers is drawing attention.

First of all, as the suspicion of the so-called’prosecution and prosecution’ arose, it attracts attention whether or not the prosecutor Han Dong-hoon, who was transferred to the Legal Affairs Training Institute, will return to his major position.

At the Seoul Central District Prosecutors’ Office, attention is also drawn to the promotion of prosecutors, such as Pyeongtaek District Commissioner Shin Bong-soo and Yeoju District Commissioner Song Gyeong-ho, who led the investigation into the Blue House election intervention and the family allegations of former Justice Minister Cho Kook.

On the other hand, prosecutors called Chu Miae Line, such as Seoul Central District Prosecutors’ Office Lee Seong-yoon and Sim Jae-cheol, the Prosecutors’ Office of the Ministry of Justice, are also key to where they will be transferred.

If you take on the role of the Ministry of Justice or the Prosecutor’s Office, there is a possibility that the confrontation between the Supreme Prosecutor and the Ministry of Justice may lead.

Candidate Bum-gye Park was spared because there is still a process for the personnel hearing.

[박범계 / 법무부 장관 후보자 : (검찰 지휘부 인사는) 제가 머릿속으로 그려놓고 있는 기준 같은 건 없지 않겠지만 현재로써는 그런 입장을 밝히기는 어려운 단계입니다.]

Shortly after taking office, Minister Choo Mi-ae announced a conflict with Yoon as a prosecutor who changed the staff of the great swordsman.

The officials of the prosecutors’ prosecutors, who will be carried out by the candidate Park Bum-gye immediately after taking office, are also expected to be the first trial to establish relations between the prosecution and the Ministry of Justice.

This is YTN Park Seo-kyung.

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