[사회]’Children who are not in the world’… urgently needed to improve the birth report system


Recently, there has been a series of cases where children who have not been registered for birth are killed by their parents.

Unregistered children who do not exist on paper because their parents have not registered their birth cannot receive any welfare or legal protection and are not known only after such a terrible crime.

Some point out that it is necessary to supplement the birth notification system, which is given only to biological parents.

Reporter Kim Woo-jun’s report.


The body of an 8-year-old girl found in Michuhol-gu, Incheon on the 15th.

Since the birth mother did not report the birth, even after her death, it was classified as unrelated.

Bae Bae, who died in Yeosu in November of last year and was left in the refrigerator for two years, was also in a state that her mother had not registered her birth.

[여수경찰서 관계자 : 외력에 의한 손상은 없는 것으로 그렇게 해서 부검 결과가 나왔고요.]

Under current law, birth parents have priority to report birth.

Therefore, if the parent does not report it, the child will not exist on paper.

The number of children living as’unregistered children’ is estimated to be a minimum of 8,000 and a maximum of 20,000.

Not only do they not enjoy the minimum welfare, such as health insurance and compulsory education, there is also a high risk of exposure to crime.

This is why measures to publicly manage births as soon as they are born are necessary by expanding the reporting authority focused on the birth parents.

[이제호 / ‘보편적 출생신고 네트워크’소속 변호사 : 의료기관 등에서 아동들이 출생하자마자 즉시 사실을 통보할 수 있는 ‘출생 통보제’ 등의 제도가 필요한 상황입니다.]

The 8-year-old child, who died in Michuhol-gu, Incheon, ran around to report the birth, but it was a common-law relationship with his mother, not a legal couple, and his mother refused to report the birth and did not have the authority to report it.

[경찰 관계자 : (친부가) 애 호적을 올려서 학교를 보내려고 노력한 것도 맞는 거고.]

The child, raised in the blind spot for eight years, was eventually murdered by his mother, and the father made an extreme choice for guilt.

[신수경 변호사 / 민변 아동인권위원회 : 어른들 사정에 따라 출생신고가 안 될 가능성이 있다는 것이죠. 가족 관계 관련 법 제도를 너무 경직적으로 운영할 것이 아니라 아동 인권적 측면에서 필요하다면, 예외를 인정할 수 있도록 제도적 개선 검토가 필요하겠습니다.]

It is urgent to come up with measures to prevent damage to the’Shadow Children’, whose existence is bound to be discovered only in a tragic situation.

YTN Kim Woo-jun[[email protected]]is.

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