[사회]Celltrion “Hacking of the European Medicines Agency may result in the leakage of Rekirona documents”

In a recent cyber attack on the European Medicines Agency and EMA, it was revealed that there was illegal access to documents related to Celltrion’s Corona 19 antibody treatment drug’Rekironaju’.

Celltrion announced that it was notified of this from EMA through a notice on the company website.

Celltrion is currently negotiating with EMA to apply for an item permit in the state of Rekirona.

For this reason, we have submitted some documents related to the state of Rekkirona to EMA.

Celltrion said, “Not only us, but also some multinational corporations such as US Moder and German Bioentech are known to have suffered the same type of damage,” said Celltrion. “We believe this cyber attack was not specific to us.” It.

He emphasized that the patient’s personal information related to medicine was not leaked.

Celltrion said, “It is possible that some of the documents submitted to EMA may have been leaked to the outside due to this incident.”

Celltrion is also constantly monitoring its own IT system and has confirmed that it has not seen any leaks or damage to date.

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