[사회]Beom-gye Park “Question of the procedural definition of the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office”…


When the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office remained free of charges in connection with the allegations of perjury by the prosecution investigation team in the case of former Prime Minister Han Myung-sook, Justice Minister Park Beom-gye strongly criticized the problem of procedural justice.

The Supreme Prosecutors’ Office refuted that it was judged according to the law and evidence, but said it would actively cooperate in joint inspections on wrong investigation practices.

I will connect reporters. Reporter Kang Hee-kyung!

Justice Minister Park Beom-gye criticized the method of the Supreme Prosecutors’ Meeting on the way home from work following the announcement of the Ministry of Justice’s position?


Yes, Justice Minister Park Beom-gye once again voiced criticism for the Supreme Prosecutor’s Office’s acquittal of allegations of perjury in the case of former Prime Minister Han Myung-sook through a vice president’s meeting.

Minister Park Bum-gye said he regretted that the prosecution took place at the extended high-ranking prosecutors’ meeting with reporters on the way home from work, causing questions of procedural justice.

In particular, he stressed that he could not understand the participation of the prosecutor of the investigation team at the meeting when it was suspected that there was a testimony practice, and that the contents and results of the private meeting were quickly and accurately leaked to a specific media.

He warned that the incident would be conducted on a joint inspection with a considerable length and scale, and that it would not be fuzzy or end in a dragon head.

Let’s listen to Secretary Park’s words firsthand.

[박범계 / 법무부 장관 : 검찰 고위직 회의조차도 절차적 정의에 대해서 의문을 품게 만드는 현상이 벌어졌습니다. 그 점에 대해서 저는 유감이고요.]

Earlier, the Prosecutor General of the Ministry of Justice Lee Jeong-soo and Prosecutor Ryu-hyuk also held a briefing to convey the position of Justice Minister Park Beom-gye.

Here, too, Minister Park criticized the procedural issue, saying that it was questionable whether the purpose of exercising the investigative command authority was properly reflected in the meeting of the chief prosecutor and the chief prosecutor.

In addition, aside from the actual truth of the case, the prosecution revealed a section that the direct investigation practices of the prosecution were inappropriate during the initial investigation process, and said that he would strongly promote effective system improvement measures.

Specifically, he explained that the Prosecutor’s Office of the Ministry of Justice, in conjunction with the Prosecutor’s Office of the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office, has undertaken a special inspection on the issues revealed in the investigation of the former Prime Minister’s case.


The Supreme Prosecutors’ Office said there was no problem with the procedure, right?


Yes, the Supreme Prosecutor’s Office refuted that this decision was made solely on the basis of the law and evidence after making a reasonable decision under the direction of the Minister’s investigation.

The investigation team prosecutor said that it was not to hear his excuses, but to accurately judge the authenticity of the statements that are important references to reveal the substantive truth.

If requested by the Ministry of Justice, it has stated that it will submit all or part of the transcript regarding compliance with the procedural definition.

However, he said he expressed regret for the fact that the discussion process and conclusion of the meeting were immediately reported in a specific media or known to the outside through social media, etc.

At the same time, he deeply sympathized with the criticism of the wrong investigation practices regarding the direct investigation of the prosecution, and added that he will actively cooperate with the joint inspection so that reasonable improvement measures can be drawn.

So far, YTN Kang Hee-kyung at the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office[[email protected]]is.

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