[사회]Are there any problems with vaccination for patients with underlying diseases… what should be noted?

All 5 people who died after getting AstraZeneca vaccine had underlying diseases
In some cases suspected of’anaphylaxis’, the underlying disease was confirmed
There has been no association of vaccines and damage cases overseas.
Benefits of getting a vaccine to prevent mortality and severe worsening


Until now, all five people who died after vaccination were hospitalized in nursing hospitals with underlying diseases.

If you are a person with an underlying disease such as cardio-cerebrovascular disease or diabetes, it is a situation where vaccination may be reluctant.

Reporter Hyung-won Lee will tell you whether you can get the vaccine and what are the precautions.


All five people who died after receiving the AstraZeneca vaccine have underlying medical conditions.

These are patients in nursing hospitals who have long suffered from cardio-cerebrovascular disease, diabetes, and epilepsy.

Some of the suspected cases of’anaphylaxis’, which is a serious adverse reaction, have also confirmed underlying diseases such as high blood pressure.

If you usually have this kind of disease, you may be worried about getting a vaccine, but even overseas, where a lot of vaccinations have been made, a link between the vaccine and the victim case has not been confirmed.

[백순영 / 가톨릭대 의대 명예교수 : (영국은) 아스트라제네카도 천만 명 정도 맞았는데 사망자가 402명이에요. 인과관계가 확인되는 건 1건도 없었거든요. 자연적으로 사망하시는데. 고령층부터 맞히다 보니까 접종의 우연이 일어났다고 볼 수 있는 거고….]

Experts stress that getting the vaccine is far more beneficial than avoiding the vaccination due to excessive anxiety.

[이혁민 / 세브란스 진단검사의학과 교수 : 60대 이상의 기저 질환자 같은 경우에는 거의 5~10% 정도 치사율이 되거든요. (백신을 맞으면 예방 효과 외에) 중증환자로 가는 것은 거의 확실하게 막아주는 것으로 보입니다. 이러한 고위험군에 해당하시는 분들은 반드시 예방접종하실 것을….]

For this reason, in all countries, people with underlying diseases are ranked first for vaccination.

[조은희 / 코로나19 예방접종대응추진단 접종후관리반장 : 기저 질환을 우선순위에 포함하지 않는 국가는 없습니다. 기저 질환을 전 세계에서 (접종) 제한하라는 게 없기 때문에 우리나라에서도 마찬가지로….]

However, it is better to postpone vaccination if the disease worsens or if you are in a bad condition.

Also, after getting the vaccine, you should stay at a medical institution for about 30 minutes to see if there are any abnormal symptoms.

Even afterwards, if you suddenly have a fever of 39 degrees or more or symptoms of dyspnea appear, it is important to go to the emergency room for treatment.

YTN Hyungwon Lee[[email protected]]is.

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