[사회]Among BTJ Visitors to the World Center, 45 spread to 351 people…70% were not tested


There have been 505 confirmed cases so far at the BTJ World Center, a religious facility in Sangju, Gyeongbuk.

Of these, 45 of them were found to have strong transmission power, infecting 351 people, but the problem is that 70% of the subjects were still untested.

This is reporter Mansu Lee.


The BTJ Universal Center, which was closed a while ago for violating the ban on gatherings.

Since the outbreak of confirmed cases at the end of last year, about 2,800 people have visited this place so far.

All are screened, but so far only about 30% of people have been tested.

Although the positive rate is high enough to be confirmed as 2 out of 10 people tested,

The rest of them are doing their daily activities without being tested.

[정세균 / 국무총리 : (BTJ열방센터 방문자 중) 아직 70%가량이 검사를 받지 않고 있다고 합니다. 연락이 닿지 않거나 검사를 회피하는 사례가 많아 우려가 더욱 큽니다.]

As feared, further cases of preaching were poured out.

The number of primary infections confirmed to have contracted Corona 19 after visiting the BTJ Universal Center has so far 154.

Although epidemiological investigations are still underway, 45 of them are estimated to have spread to more than 350 people at religious facilities across the country.

[곽 진 / 중앙방역대책본부 환자관리팀장 : 1차 감염자로 볼 수 있는 분이 현재 154명이 확인되고 있고요. 그다음에 351명으로 말씀드린 부분은 추가 전파로 추정은 되고 있고….]

The quarantine authorities warned visitors to the BTJ Heath Center, who were not cooperating with the screening tests, to’keep in mind that because of me alone, many people around me may get Corona 19.’

He immediately urged them to find a screening clinic nearby and take the test.

This is Mansoo Lee, YTN.

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