[사회]Alleged land dumping by front-line public officials… full investigation of employees and families


Suspicions have been raised that front-line officials have been speculating on real estate, including buying billions of land and buildings using inside information.

As the suspicion of’LH land speculation’ spread to local governments, Gyeonggi-do decided to conduct a thorough investigation of related departments, construction workers, and families.

Reporter Kim Woo-jun’s report.


Sohol-eup, Pocheon-si, Gyeonggi-do.

This is the site where the history of Urban Railway Line 7 will be built in 2028.

[인근 상인 : 저쪽이 될 거라고 예상은 하고 있어요.]

Pocheon City Hall civil servant A purchased the land and buildings near the planned historic site in September last year.

It is a one-story prefabricated building purchased by a public official from Pocheon City.

On weekends, it is a large mart where many nearby residents gather.

Officials bought 2,600 square meters of nearby land, including the building, under a joint name with his wife.

All the remaining amounts were covered by loans except for the purchase cost of 4.1 billion won and 200 million won.

The problem is the department where Mr. A worked.

As it was confirmed that he worked in the department in charge of the urban railroad extension project until immediately before the purchase, it was suspected that it was speculative with internal information.

[포천시청 관계자 : 결정된 게 없다고. (아 감사를 검토 중이고 결정된 사항은 없다. 그러면 아직 감사가 진행된 것은 아닌 거네요?) 그런 거 같아요.]

As suspicions of land speculation spread to frontline officials, Gyeonggi Province, where the development site was concentrated, formed a full-scale investigation team led by an auditor.

The subjects of the survey were public officials from related departments in the province, construction employees and families such as Gyeonggi Housing and Urban Corporation.

The plan is to thoroughly investigate whether speculation is not only in the 3rd new city, but also in six business districts including Yongin Platform City and Hyeondeok District in Pyeongtaek, and neighboring areas.

[김홍국 / 경기도청 대변인 : 엄격하게 다스려야 합니다. 그렇지 않으면 공직사회 전체 기강이 무너질 것이기 때문에 철저하게 조사하고, 관련자들에 대해서 엄벌하도록 하겠습니다.]

The Participatory Solidarity and Minbyun, who first raised allegations of speculation on LH land, are also moving quickly.

Reports of allegations of speculation against not only the 3rd new city but also the 2nd new city are working hard to collect evidence.

[서성민 / 민변 민생경제위원회 변호사 : 일단 정부 측 전수조사 결과를 지켜보고요. 저희는 저희 나름대로 들어온 제보를 확인 검증하면서, 전수 조사 결과에 대해서 살펴볼 생각입니다.]

As public opinion is a big issue, voices are rising that it is urgent to prepare measures to prevent speculation by public officials along with a thorough investigation.

YTN Kim Woo-jun[[email protected]]is.

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