[사회]’All are fired’ ahead of Lunar New Year…guards protested against’unfair dismissal’


Before the Lunar New Year holidays, all the security guards lost their jobs at once in an apartment in Yongin, Gyeonggi-do.

Since the consignment security company has changed, it means to go out, but the security guards who worked without any problems are protesting that it is unfair dismissal.

Reporter Hong Min-ki reports.


An apartment complex in Yongin, Gyeonggi-do.

Security guards with hand signs and shoulder straps raise their voices.

“Ensure employment succession!”

They lost both their jobs and their place of work as the contract with the security consignment company they belonged to and the contract between the security company and the apartment ended.

The apartments also refused to be hired by a new company, and in effect, they were’fired’.

At the entrance of the complex, banners against dismissal are hung everywhere.

Some residents even put their own banners at their own expense.

Their New Year holidays were even more lonely as expectations of being able to work for a new company declined.

[윤석주 / 해고 경비원 : 예초기를, 기계를 짊어지면, 연료가 떨어져야 내려놓는 분이야. 그렇게 열심히 해요, 저하고 둘이. 그런 분을 설 명절을 앞두고 잘라 버린 거야.]

The company said that it was difficult to defeat the opposition of the apartment, which is’A’ in the contract, although it had personnel rights to the security guard.

I asked for a few people to keep working, but it didn’t work.

[위탁 업체 관계자 : 기존 근무자들이 계속 근로를 했으면 좋겠다는 차원에서 회장님하고 소장님에게 문자를 보냈어요. 그런데 그게 관철이 되지 않고….]

The tenants’ association, who refused to renew the contract, turned over the responsibility to the management office.

[입주자대표회의 측 : 평가에 대한 것들은 관리 주체에서 평가하게 돼 있죠. 이분을 살려야 한다고 말하면, 그 회사에 대한 인사권 내지는 경영권을 침해하는 상황이 돼 버리고….]

The management office said that the security guards neglected their work and did not receive a good evaluation during the renewal process, and there is no legal problem.

[관리사무소 직원 : 업체가 바뀌면서 기존에 있는 사람은 나가야 하잖아요, 그렇죠? 업체가 바뀌었으니까. (관리사무소는) 미화나 경비나 인사권이 없는 것으로 알고 있어요.]

However, the apartment residents said they were sorry that the guards who had lived with them for many years were suddenly fired.

[공현정 / 아파트 주민 : 휘트니스 센터 옆에 가시면 가구들이 많이 쌓여 있을 거예요. 옛날에 계시던 경비 아저씨들은 저건 상상도 할 수 없는 일이었어요.]

Some residents have also raised suspicion that the management office just expelled a bright security guard to conceal the suspicion over the management fee.

[아파트 주민 : 작년에 공사를 좀 많이 해서 관리소장님이 들어오신 이후에 14개월 동안 14억인가 15억 원을 썼다고 하는데….]

Security guards started getting signatures from residents against firing, and within a week they got consent from a quarter of the residents.

In addition, we plan to file a lawsuit against the apartment side in cooperation with security guard groups.

YTN Hong Min-ki[[email protected]]is.

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