[사회]Accumulated deaths exceeded 1,000… 10 times the average daily deaths after the third pandemic

1,007 cumulative deaths since the first death of Corona 19 in February last year
427 people died in 23 days after more than 1,000 confirmed cases on December 13th
Group infection of vulnerable facilities such as nursing hospitals, the number of deaths exploded
386 patients with severe gastric disorders… More than doubled after the 3rd pandemic


The cumulative death toll of Corona 19 has exceeded 1,000 as a result of recent group infections in nursing hospitals and the like.

Since the 3rd pandemic, the average daily death toll has increased by nearly 10 times than before, and this trend is expected to continue for the time being.

Reporter Park Hong-gu on the report.


The cumulative death toll in 11 months since the first death toll of Corona 19 came out on February 19 last year has exceeded 1,000.

In the middle of last month, after the third pandemic began in earnest, the number of deaths surged.

On the 13th of last month, the first day the number of new patients exceeded 1,000, the cumulative death toll was 580.

Since then, 427 people have died in the last 23 days.

The number of deaths exploded as the outbreak continued, mainly in facilities vulnerable to infection, such as nursing homes.

[이상원 / 중앙방역대책본부 역학조사분석단장 : 대부분 어르신들이시고, 또 기저질환도 있으신 분들입니다. 이러한 연령층에서 환자가 다발했기 때문에 불가피하게 환자 발생에 따라서 사망자가 늘게 된 것이 가장 큰 원인이 되겠습니다.]

During the third pandemic, the number of deaths increased by an average of 18 per day, compared to 1.9 in 10 months after the COVID-19 outbreak.

The overall fatality rate went up from 1.36 to 1.55.

Korea’s fatality rate is not low even compared to the US 1.72 and India 1.45.

Moreover, the problem is that things are likely to get worse in the future.

This is because the number of people with severe gastric disorders is increasing rapidly.

There were 179 patients with severe gastric disorders in the early stage of the pandemic, but now 386, which has more than doubled.

[천은미 / 이대목동병원 호흡기내과 교수 : 요양병원 같은 취약계층으로 집단감염이 되다 보니까 지금 중증 환자가 많이 나오고 있습니다. 가장 중요한 것은 이 시점에서 확진자 수를 우리가 감소를 시켜야지만 (문제를 해결할 수 있습니다.)]

During the third pandemic, the medical system was improved by expanding beds and reinforcing manpower, but there are still many asymptomatic infections whose route of infection is unknown.

The spread of Corona 19 is slowing down due to the implementation of strict social distancing amid the suffering and sacrifice of the people.

This is YTN Park Hong-gu.

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