[사회]’Abortion vacancy’ even after a year and a half…confusion predicted from the new year

Overdue bill… Medical scene’law gap’ from the new year
Women’s organization “Inadequate preparation of systems such as abortion procedures”


A year and a half has passed since the Constitutional Court decided that the crime of abortion was virtually unconstitutional.

The constitution demanded that an alternative bill be prepared by the end of last year, but in the end, the new year came with the relevant law not exceeding the threshold of the National Assembly.

He points out that the law gap will inevitably lead to confusion in the field.

This is Sohn Hyo-jung.


On April 11, 2019, in front of the Constitutional Court.

When it was decided that the current law punishing women who had abortions and medical personnel who helped them was virtually unconstitutional, cheers erupted in various places.

[문설희 / 모두를위한낙태죄폐지공동행동 공동집행위원장 : 오늘 2019년 4월 11일은 정말 역사적인 날입니다. 승리의 날입니다. 그동안의 치욕의 역사에 종지부를 찍은 날입니다.]

Instead of abolishing the crime of abortion right away to prevent social chaos, the Constitution has ordered a replacement bill by December 31, 2020.

It’s about one year and nine months to reach a social consensus on abortion and decide by law.

What is the situation now that the legislative deadline imposed by the constitution has passed?

Two months before abortion was abolished, the government also issued an amendment to the criminal law that allowed unconditional abortions within 14 weeks of pregnancy.

Even within 24 weeks of pregnancy, abortion was allowed if a period of meditation was passed and socioeconomic reasons were recognized.

However, due to the National Assembly in a political conflict, the replacement bill could not exceed the threshold of the plenary session, and the abortion penalties provisions became invalid from January 1st.

Even if the fetus is able to survive outside the mother’s body, even if it is contrary to personal beliefs, doctors in the field cannot refuse to undergo abortion.

[김동석 / 대한산부인과학회 회장 : 의사는 모든 환자가 내원했을 때 진료에 대한 거부권이 없습니다. 본인이 낙태하겠다는데 왜 해주지 않느냐고 항의할 때 민원 발생할 수 있죠.]

Women’s groups also pointed out that legislation has been pushed back and there is no procedure for allowing abortions through drugs other than procedures.

[나 영 / 모두를위한낙태죄폐지공동행동 공동집행위원장 : 여전히 병원에 찾아가는 게 사회적 차별이나 낙인 때문에 쉽지 않은 여성이 아직 병원을 통해서 약물을 받지 못하는 상황이 우려됩니다.]

One year and nine months of preparation time was given, but as the government abandoned its responsibilities, both women and medical staff are facing the foretold confusion.

YTN Son Hyojeong[[email protected]]is.

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