[사회]A van with a 100m silver grass field and a patrol car blocked it!

Vans, round trip 6 lanes reverse driving… “Driving without consciousness”
‘Reverse driving’ vehicles, patrol cars stop after being blocked by the body
70s who lost consciousness while driving… Report new forward again


Suddenly, a car driven by an unconscious driver hit the sidewalk and headed back on the road in a dizzying accident.

However, the policeman who was dispatched to the scene used the base and blocked it with a patrol car, which fortunately prevented great damage.

Reporter Park Ki-wan reports.


One van runs upside down on a 6-lane round-trip road.

The fireman knocks on the car door and talks to the driver, but goes to the intersection without answer.

The patrol car who was watching this, blocked the vehicle in question with the body and finally stopped.

The accident started at around 10:30 am on the 21st,

A driver in her 70s suddenly had a seizure while driving and lost consciousness, and the wife who was riding next to him got out of the car, asked for help, and then called 119.

But at that moment the car started running forward again.

The scene of the accident.

The driver, unconscious, crossed the sidewalk and entered the silver grass field, and drove another 100m.

The police and paramedics were dispatched while the car stopped in the silver grass field, but while trying to figure out the situation to rescue Mr. A, he came back to the road and drove back.

It was thanks to the policeman who showed the base at the moment that there was no damage to life.

[임재찬 / 인천 송도국제도시지구대 소속 경장 : 앞으로 더 나가면 사거리였기 때문에 더 큰 사고로 이어질 수밖에 없다는 생각밖에 안 들어서…. 다른 경찰관이었어도 똑같이 이 일을 감당하고 헌신했을 것이라고 생각합니다.]

A was diagnosed with a brain lesion as a complication of diabetes, and it was investigated that he lost consciousness after inadvertently holding the steering wheel.

Under the current law, drivers are required to renew their licenses through regular aptitude tests to see if they can drive normally, but experts point out that the actual cancellation rate is low, so more effective measures are needed.

[김필수 / 대림대 자동차학과 교수 : 환자의 병적인 부분들이 운전에 장애 되는 것은 (보건복지부와) 전산 통합을 통해서 공조할 수 있게 한다면 걸러줄 수 있지 않을까….]

Above all, he advised that drivers should refrain from driving if they have health problems, and that neighboring family members should also help with the return of their driver’s license to prevent further damage.

YTN Park Ki-wan[[email protected]]is.

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