[사회]A Millennium Review Naejangsa Temple Daeungjeon… ashes from fire

Fire in Daeungjeon at Naejangsa Temple
Firefighting authorities once issued response phase 1
Receive a report of suspected arson at the fire department


It is a famous mountain of autumn leaves.

The Daeungjeon Hall of Naejangsa Temple, a temple in Naejangsan, Jeongeup, Jeollabuk-do, has been turned into ashes due to arson.

After sprinkling volatile substances on fire, Daeungjeon, a wooden building, slumped down in just over an hour.

Reporter Kim Joo-hwan reports.


The red hwama swallowed up the wooden structure of Daeungjeon.

It is all red from the bottom of Daeungjeon Hall to the roof.

The firefighters constantly sprinkle water, but the image of the Buddha in Daeungjeon is not visible due to the strong flames.

When the fire broke out, the fire department initiated the first stage of the response, in which all fire department personnel were dispatched, and began to extinguish it.

The initial examination was completed at around 7:53 pm, and the fire was caught at around 9:10 pm.

The fire report was previously received by the fire department at around 6:37 p.m.,

It was a report of suspicion of arson, saying,’Someone has set fire to Daeungjeon Hall.

[정읍소방서 관계자 : 현장에 도착해보니 대웅전 전체에 화재가 진행 중이었고, 방화로 추정되는 화재로, 방화 의심되는 분은 경찰에서 연행했습니다.]

A police investigation revealed that the arson suspect, a monk A in his 50s, had a dispute with officials at the temple recently.

In October 2012, when Daewoongjeon of Naejangsa Temple, which had been torn by a fire, was engulfed in flames again, the temple officials were devastated.

This is YTN Kim Joo-hwan.

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