[사회]”A gradual decline past the peak”… minefields everywhere


As the number of new coronavirus confirmed cases fell below 1,000 for the second day, the quarantine authorities evaluated that the pandemic has passed the peak and is entering a modest decline.

However, as the number of severely ill patients and deaths has increased significantly, and group infections in nursing hospitals continue, the situation of thin ice plates continues.

Reporter Park Kyung-seok’s report.


840 new confirmed cases per day.

It was 125 more than the previous day, but it was less than 1,000 for two days in a row.

The quarantine authorities believe that it has passed the peak of the third pandemic and has entered a modest decline.

In fact, when looking at the average number of patients per week, this week was 833, showing a marked decline compared to last month, when more than 1,000 patients occurred.

Thanks to this, the capacity to respond to the outbreak of new patients has also increased.

In the metropolitan area, no one waited for more than a day after being confirmed on the third day.

[윤태호 / 중앙사고수습본부 방역총괄반장 : 그간의 선제검사와 국민들께서 참여해주고 계신 거리 두기를 통해 느리지만 효과가 나타나고 있습니다.]

However, there are minefields everywhere.

As the cumulative number of patients increased, the number of gastric and severe patients exceeded 400 for the first time since the count.

The number of deaths per day exceeded 20 for two consecutive days.

Risk factors such as mass infections in nursing hospitals and religious organizations, and mutant viruses originating in the UK and South Africa still remain.

[김정기 / 고려대 약학대학 교수 : 역학조사 진행 중인, 그러니까 감염 경로를 파악하지 못한 케이스가 30% 가까이 나오고 있고요. 양성률도 접촉자 기준으로 봤을 때는 2%대를 계속 보이고 있거든요.]

The quarantine authorities also saw that the spreading trend could increase at any time, so they asked for participation in’social distancing’ by the 17th.

This is YTN Park Kyung-seok.

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