[사회]65 years old or older, AZ vaccination… decided this week


As a case in the UK that the AstraZeneca vaccine is effective for the elderly has been confirmed, it is expected that the AstraZeneca vaccine will be given to elderly people 65 years of age or older in Korea soon.

The quarantine authorities plan to hold an expert meeting this week to confirm the vaccination.

Reporter Park Hong-gu on the report.


Initially, the number of residents and workers in nursing hospitals and facilities 65 years of age or older, where vaccination was withheld, but the vaccination was the first priority, reached 370,000.

This is because the effectiveness of the AstraZeneca vaccine in elderly people has not been sufficiently proven in clinical trials.

But recently, the UK’s position has changed, with the results that the actual inoculation of AstraZeneca to the elderly has reduced the risk of hospitalization by as much as 80%.

[정재훈 / 가천의대 예방의학 교수 : 영국에서 수백만 명 단위의 대규모 데이터가 나오면서 논란이 일단락된 상태입니다.// 접종 대상자들의 신뢰가 떨어졌을 수는 있습니다만 백신접종이 시작되고 백신의 효과와 안전성이 증명이 되면서 상황이 더 좋아질 것으로 보입니다.]

The quarantine authorities plan to hold a vaccination committee this week to determine whether or not the elderly aged 65 or older in nursing hospitals or facilities will be vaccinated against the AstraZeneca vaccine.

AstraZeneca vaccine is expected to be introduced for a total of 1.05 million people, including 350,000 people within this month and 700,000 people from April to May, so the quantity is sufficient.

The actual vaccination may begin within this month, as there are also two doses of the vaccine currently being vaccinated.

[정은경 / 질병관리청장 : 저희가 코백스 물량도 3월에 들어올 예정이고, 또 2차 접종에 대한 물량도 현재 보유를 하고 있기 때문에 그런 점들을 고려해서 접종계획을 가능한 한 빨리 (수립해서 진행하겠습니다.)]

The Pfizer vaccine is also expected to be delivered to 500,000 people this month and 3 million people in the second quarter.

The priority targets for vaccination in the second quarter are users of welfare facilities for the elderly, the disabled, and the homeless, and the government is in a hurry to establish a follow-up vaccination plan.

On the 10th day of vaccination, 310,000 out of the 760,000 subjects to date have completed the first vaccination, recording a 41% vaccination rate.

This is YTN Park Hong-gu.

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