[사회]64 people, including POSCO Chairman Jeong-Woo Choi, accused “I collected 3.2 billion won with internal information


Amid growing suspicions related to LH that they used internal information to secure private interests, suspicions arose that POSCO executives used internal stock information to collect 3.2 billion won.

POSCO countered that it was a responsible management level to recover the stock price.

Reporter Hong Min-ki reports.


Civic groups such as the Solidarity of Participation that raised allegations of LH speculation and the association of lawyers for a democratic society have again been accused.

64 executives, including POSCO Chairman Jeong-Woo Choi, filed a complaint with the prosecution, claiming that they took advantage of the stock information before it was disclosed.

[김종보 / 민변 변호사 : LH 직원들도 광명 시흥 지역이 재개발되면 땅값이 오를 것이다, 이런 내부 정보를 이용해 인접 지역을 다른 사람 명의로 사들였죠. 포스코 역시 마찬가지입니다.]

The group said that POSCO executives purchased more than 19,000 shares of the company last year.

In particular, we intensively bought stocks in March, and a month later, POSCO announced a plan to purchase treasury stocks worth KRW 1 trillion.

[김종보 / 민변 변호사 : 대규모 자사주 매입 계획은 주식 시장에서 상당한 호재입니다. 개미나 기관투자자들에게 주가가 오른다는 신호를 보내는 것이죠. 이러한 정보를 최정우 회장 외 63명의 임원들은 미리 알고 있었다….]

POSCO shares, which were around 170,000 won at the time of purchase, rose sharply, rising to close to 10,000 won on the day the plan to purchase treasury shares was announced.

The group claimed that executives made a profit of 3.2 billion won by using this undisclosed information.

[양기창 / 금속노조 부위원장 : 이번에 주가조작 통해서 개인 이득 취득한 범죄 또한 마찬가지로 분노하지 않을 수 없습니다.]

The need to investigate the facts of POSCO’s use of internal information has already been raised in the political world.

Chairman Choi, who attended a parliamentary hearing in February, explained that there was no systematic stock purchase.

[최정우 / 포스코 회장(지난달 22일) : (미리 임원들한테 이 주식을 사라고 하면 안 되는 거죠.)사라고 하지 않았습니다. (사라고 권고 안 했어요? 그리고 본인도 615주나 샀는데?)]

POSCO countered that in order to overcome the business slowdown caused by Corona 19, executives voluntarily bought the company’s stock according to the recommendations of professional investors.

In addition, he explained that there is no executive who has sold the stock to make a profit, and that he will hold it until the executives retire.

POSCO plans to hold a general shareholders’ meeting on the 12th to discuss whether executives such as Chairman Choi will be reappointed.

YTN Hong Min-ki[[email protected]]is.

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