[사회]467 new patients a day…433 domestic outbreaks 34 overseas inflows

467 new confirmations a day… The number of confirmed cases in Korea increased to 79,311
Four hundred again in four days… Domestic occurrence 433 people Overseas inflow 34 people
309 people in the metropolitan area… Seoul 184, Gyeonggi 107, Incheon 18


The number of new corona 19 confirmed patients in Korea again reached the mid-400 level in four days.

The government is noting the fact that the recent outbreaks are spreading around daily living facilities, and is calling for cooperation from all the people, such as prohibiting private gatherings to practice extended social distancing.

Connect reporters for details. Reporter Seung-Hoon Lee!

Please summarize the trend of new patients per day confirmed so far.


As of 0 o’clock, there are 467 new cases per day.

There were 433 domestic outbreaks and 34 overseas inflows.

There were 336 confirmed cases at the same time yesterday, so more than 130 new infections came out a day.

Accordingly, the cumulative number of patients so far is 79,351.

By region, there are still 309 patients in the metropolitan area.

Seoul 184, Gyeonggi 107 and Incheon 18.

Outside the metropolitan area, there were 35 in Chungnam, 18 in Busan, 10 in Jeonbuk, and 10 in Gyeongbuk.

The number of foreign inflows was 34, which was less than 41 yesterday, but many infected people are still coming from abroad.

The number of deaths increased by 6 to 1,441.

The number of severely ill patients decreased by 4, and 524 people were released from quarantine after treatment.

As I said, with the worrisome increase in the number of new patients again, the government is once again emphasizing compliance with quarantine rules following the extended distance measure.

Most of all, the quarantine authorities are paying attention to the fact that recent outbreaks have been identified throughout daily living facilities.

This is because there is another variable that can lead to a prolonged period of the current 3rd pandemic.

I am especially worried because the new semester begins soon after the Lunar New Year holidays.

Regardless of the number of new patients, the quarantine authorities are repeatedly urging that all private meetings be canceled for the time being, and religious activities or inevitable events are non-face-to-face or contactless.

YTN Lee Seung-hoon at the Ministry of Social Affairs[[email protected]]is.

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