[사회]400 people on the fourth day of new confirmation…”The 3rd fashion trend”

452 new confirmed yesterday… 98,209 cumulative confirmed cases
Corona 19-related deaths 1,693 (+3)… Severe seriousness 102 (+1)
9,757 reports of suspected adverse reactions after vaccination (+150 cases)
“The current situation needs to stabilize ahead of vaccination in the second quarter”


The number of new corona 19 confirmed cases in Korea recorded 400 for four consecutive days.

The quarantine authorities are tense, saying the third outbreak is still on the rise.

Connect with reporters. Reporter Kim Jong-gyun!

Another 400 new confirmed cases?


As of 0 o’clock today, the total number of new confirmed cases is 452.

It was 11 people less than the previous day, but it was 400 for four days in a row.

Since mid-November last year, the aftermath of the third epidemic has been in full swing for 5 months.

By infection route, domestic outbreaks were 440 and foreign inflows were 12.

In the case of domestic outbreaks by region, there were 317 people in the metropolitan area alone, including 119 in Seoul, 187 in Gyeonggi, and 11 in Incheon.

In the non-metropolitan area, sporadic infection continues with 31 in Gyeongnam, 17 in Gangwon, 16 in Daegu, and 14 in Jeonbuk.

The number of deaths related to Corona 19 yesterday increased by 3, and the number of seriously ill patients increased by 1 to 102.

The vaccinations are going smoothly, and about 15,000 additional vaccinations were received a day yesterday.

84% of those eligible for vaccination in February and March of this year completed the first vaccination.

After vaccination, reports of suspected adverse reactions increased by 150 in a single day.

The quarantine authorities stressed that the current Corona 19 situation should be stabilized ahead of vaccination in the second quarter.

In particular, he added that we should not be vigilant here, and that we should prevent the 4th epidemic and achieve collective immunity through smooth vaccination.

So far, the Ministry of Social Affairs has delivered it.

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