[사회]400 people in six days after new confirmation… amplifying concerns about re-proliferation of the 3rd pandemic


Ahead of the Lunar New Year holidays, the number of corona19 confirmed cases has increased to 400 as a result of group infections, and the quarantine authorities are closely tense.

As concerns over the re-proliferation of the third epidemic have increased, we have repeatedly urged people to refrain from meeting and moving while reinforcing measures to quarantine mutant viruses.

Reporter Lee Gyo-jun.


All 444 new cases of Corona 19

With an increase of 141 people a day, the number of new confirmed cases has risen to 400 in six days.

Especially, more than 80% of new patients in Korea occur in the metropolitan area.

There are still many new confirmed cases in the metropolitan area with 169 in Seoul, 157 in Gyeonggi and 18 in Incheon.

This is because it was confirmed by a bunch of religious facilities and moisturizing academies in Bucheon, Gyeonggi-do.

[윤태호 /중앙사고수습본부 방역총괄반장 : 여러 상황을 종합해보면 3차 유행의 감소세가 정체되고 있고 재확산의 위험이 여전히 존재하는 상황입니다. 특히 수도권의 경우는 더욱 주의를 필요로 합니다.]

Here, the number of mutant virus infections with strong transmission power surged to 26 a day, reaching 80 in total, and an emergency took place.

Accordingly, the quarantine authorities have designated a country to strengthen quarantine, taking into account the share of mutant viruses, and strengthen quarantine measures such as flight restrictions.

Also, starting on the 24th, we have decided to conduct a PCR diagnostic test three times for all foreign visitors.

Prime Minister Jeong Sye-gyun repeatedly demanded that the upcoming Lunar New Year holiday be a watershed moment and to comply with the quarantine regulations.

[정세균 / 국무총리 : 역대 가장 큰 위기인 이번 3차 유행을 끝낼 수도 있고, 꺼져가던 불씨가 다시 살아날 수도 있는 중대한 갈림길입니다.]

The quarantine authorities recommended that you refrain from meetings and traveling during the Lunar New Year holiday as much as possible, and to use online turnover or mobile money transfer.

YTN Kyojun Lee[[email protected]]is.

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