[사회]400 people for three consecutive days… pay attention to whether the distance will be adjusted tomorrow


With the government scheduled to announce a plan to adjust social distancing tomorrow (31st) afternoon, the number of new corona19 confirmed patients recorded 400 people for three consecutive days.

The government has said it will carefully examine whether or not the distance is changing in the face of increasing uncertainty.

Connect reporters! Reporter Seung-Hwan Kim!

The number of Corona 19 patients is not significantly decreasing?


As of today 0 o’clock, there are 458 new cases.

It was 11 people less than yesterday, but it has recorded 400 people for three days in a row, and the spread is not easily broken.

By way of infection, domestic outbreaks were 423 and foreign inflows were 35.

It was Seoul and Gyeonggi area that recorded three-digit confirmed cases.

Seoul has 152 people and Gyeonggi has 136 people, and the spread is continuing in the metropolitan area.

In addition, infection continues in non-capital areas, including 32 in Gwangju, 21 in Gyeongbuk, and 18 in Busan.

15 additional people died from Corona 19, the cumulative death toll has reached 1,414, and the number of severely ill patients has decreased by 8 to 231.


Tomorrow, the social distancing adjustment plan will be announced.


The Central Accident Response Headquarters is announcing a plan to adjust distance at a briefing of the Central Disaster and Safety Countermeasure Headquarters at 4:30 pm tomorrow.

Deputy General Manager Jeon Jeon Hae-cheol said that both of today’s major script meetings are reviewing whether to change the distance step in consideration of the recent Corona 19 situation, which is growing uncertainty.

Since the average number of patients with local outbreaks, which is the criterion for adjusting the distance stage, currently exceeds 400 per day, it is still included in the scope of the distance stage 2.5 trial.

In addition, the quarantine authorities said at a briefing this afternoon that the’Infection Reproduction Index’ value, which shows how many people can infect one person, is a little above 1 at present.

He explained that he is keeping an eye on whether this is a temporary phenomenon or whether new confirmations have turned to an increasing trend.

So, it seems likely that we will take a closer look at the trend of patient growth today and tomorrow, and decide whether to maintain the current distancing phase or ease it.

YTN Kim Seung-hwan at the Ministry of Social Affairs[[email protected]]is.

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