[사회]346 new confirmations…300 people in three days, maintaining a decline


The number of new corona 19 confirmed cases reached 300 in three days.

Although the trend continues to decline, the quarantine authorities urged them not to delay their awareness, saying the risk factors remain. Reporter Shin Hyun-jun!

Can you tell us the current status of new corona19 patients?


As of 0 o’clock today, there are 346 new cases.

It has fallen to 300 people in three days, maintaining a decline.

Looking at the path of infection, domestic outbreaks were 314 people and foreign inflows were 32 people.

When looking at domestic outbreaks by region, there are also many metropolitan areas.

There are 223 people in the metropolitan area alone, including 113 in Seoul, 102 in Gyeonggi, and 8 in Incheon.

Of these, 55 were tested positive at the temporary screening test in the metropolitan area.

In the non-capital area, Busan is the largest with 23, followed by Gyeongnam 21, Gyeongbuk 12 and Gangwon 8.

Patients came out from 15 provinces nationwide excluding Sejong and Jeonbuk.

Nine out of 32 foreign inflows were confirmed during the quarantine stage.

The number of people who died from Corona 19 increased by 12 to a cumulative 1,328.

The number of patients with severe gastric disorders decreased by 18 to 299.


Prime Minister Jeong Sye-gyun said that business restrictions after 9 o’clock are in effect and asked not to use it politically, right?


Prime Minister Jeong Sye-gyun said this morning at the Central Disaster and Safety Countermeasure Headquarters meeting.

Some politicians asked if Corona is nocturnal, and asked to remove the restrictions on business operations after 9 o’clock.

Prime Minister Chung said that after 9 o’clock, it is a time when secondary activities increase sharply after meals, when opportunities for meetings and contacts increase and the amount of movement increases.

He stressed that most quarantine experts judged that what was given by more than a thousand confirmed patients at the end of last year had a great effect on business restrictions after 9 o’clock and banning meetings with more than 5 people.

At the same time, he pointed out that the behavior of politicians who tried to use them in elections by digging into the anxiety of self-employed people who are struggling otherwise was deplorable.

Prime Minister Chung also feared that the number of confirmed cases per week is declining by more than one hundred for three consecutive weeks, but the number of infections caused by transfers to the metropolitan area on weekends and personal contact is increasing, so it is possible to re-proliferate at any time.

In particular, even though there are 3~400 confirmed cases a day, he said he was worried that his alertness would loosen because of the decreasing trend.

Before the start of the Lunar New Year holidays, in order to achieve a certain level of stability, we asked for help with participation prevention.

YTN Shin Hyun-joon at the Ministry of Social Affairs[[email protected]]is.

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