[사회]305 new patients…”If it is determined that the stability is stable, it will be relieved before the Lunar New Year holidays”

305 new corona19 confirmed patients as of 00:00 on February 1
Minimum record in 70 days after November 23rd
Decrease in the number of inspections on weekends and holidays.
Authorities are concerned about the spread of Corona 19 due to increased human contact due to Lunar New Year holidays
Corona 19 trend report, review of quarantine mitigation for multi-use facilities around the weekend


Although the number of new corona19 confirmed patients has reached the early 300s, concerns about re-proliferation remain as the outbreak continues.

The government is in a position to consider easing additional quarantine measures even before the Lunar New Year holidays if it is convinced that it has entered a solid stability this week.

Reporter Lee Dong-woo reports


On the first day of February, the number of new corona 19 confirmed cases was 305.

This is the lowest record in 70 days since November 23, last year, in the beginning of the third pandemic.

However, it is difficult to judge that the spread has been reduced due to the large impact of the decrease in the number of inspections on weekends and holidays.

In particular, by path of infection, the number of local groups including IM missions increased significantly, making it similar to the proportion of contacts with prior confirmed cases, and still more than 20% of cases under investigation because the path of infection could not be identified.

[정은경 / 질별관리청장 : 먼저, 집단발생 증가와 설 연휴 등으로 인한 재확산의 위험이 있습니다. 집단발생의 건수와 환자 수가 증가하였고, 또 감염경로가 조사 중인 사례가 1월 이후에 약 3,300명 수준으로 (숨은 감염원이 누적되고 있다고 보고 있습니다.)]

As a result of examining foreign corona19 patients, 7 additional mutant viruses were confirmed, including 4 cases in the UK, 1 case in South Africa, and 2 cases in Brazil.

The authorities are particularly concerned that Corona 19 may rapidly re-proliferate due to human contact and regional movement due to the Lunar New Year holidays.

In the midst of this, the government has been struggling over and over again as the current distancing period has continued for about two months since December 8, last year, and the damage to self-employed persons and small business owners became severe.

It is to look at the Corona 19 trend and review whether to ease quarantine for multi-use facilities around the weekend.

[정세균 / 국무총리 : 이번 주 상황을 지켜보고 확실한 안정세에 들어섰다는 믿음이 생기면 설 연휴 전이라도 추가적인 방역 조치 완화를 면밀히 검토하겠습니다.]

The government is well aware of the growing voices of complaints of suffering in the field of public welfare, and urged them to be patient and cooperate with quarantine.

This is YTN Lee Dong-woo.

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