[사회]305 new patients a day… 285 outbreaks in Korea 30 inflows from overseas


Corona 19 confirmed in Korea remained at the 300 level for the second day following yesterday.

However, as the number of inspections on weekends and holidays is greatly reduced, the quarantine authorities are also calling for cooperation in quarantine to find’hidden spreaders’, saying that the current situation is not stable.

Connect reporters for details. Reporter Seung-Hoon Lee!

Please summarize the trend of new patients per day confirmed so far.


As of 0 o’clock, there are 305 new cases a day.

There were 285 domestic occurrences and 20 overseas inflows.

There were 50 fewer people yesterday than 355 confirmed one day.

Accordingly, the cumulative total number of patients so far is 78,508.

By region, there are still 204 patients in the metropolitan area.

Seoul has 104, Gyeonggi 89 and Incheon 11.

Outside the metropolitan area, Gwangju is the largest with 32, with 15 in Busan and 9 in Daegu.

The number of deaths increased by 5 to 1,425.

The number of severely ill patients decreased by 4, and 431 were released from quarantine after treatment.

However, the government does not judge the current situation as a definite stability.

At the morning script meeting, Prime Minister Jeong Sye-gyun also said,’If we observe the situation this week and believe that we have entered a solid stability, we will closely review the easing of additional quarantine measures even before the Lunar New Year holiday.

Previously, the government decided to extend the 2.5-step social distancing measures in the metropolitan area and the ban on private gatherings with more than 5 people in the non-metropolitan area by two more weeks.

Prime Minister Chung also said, “Over 21% of new patients with no known infection route have been confirmed in the last week.

I even ordered them to try to find hidden propagators through temporary screening stations.

Lee Seung-hoon [[email protected]]

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