[사회]300 people in the beginning of the week → 400 people in the middle…

New confirmed cases, 382 → 363 → 469 → 445 (15th-18th)
The government “targets 200 confirmed cases per day”… Special quarantine in the metropolitan area


The number of new corona19 confirmed patients seems to decrease to 300 at the beginning of the week, but continues to stagnate, increasing to 400 at the middle of the week.

The reorganization of a new social distancing that minimizes group bans without reducing the number of confirmed cases as expected by the government is not accelerating.

This is Hong-gu Park on the sidewalk.


Group infections are seldom decreasing nationwide.

In the metropolitan area, 11 additional people were infected through screen golf course workers, and the number of confirmed patients in Jinju’s bathhouse surged to nearly 200 within a week of the outbreak.

On the 15th and 16th, the number of new confirmed cases increased to the mid-400s for two consecutive days.

Due to the decrease in the number of tests, the pattern is repeating, decreasing from the beginning of the week to 400 people in the middle.

[김윤 / 서울대 의대 교수 : 재유행이 여러 차례 확산되면서 무증상 전파자, 조용한 전파자의 숫자의 층이 두텁게 형성되어 있기 (때문입니다.) 3차 대유행이 우리가 지금 상태에서 좀 기다리면 이보다 숫자가 더 줄어들 거라고 하는 건 비현실적입니다.]

However, the government’s goal is to reduce the number of confirmed cases per day to half the current level of 200 within this month.

Accordingly, special quarantine measures have been put in place to limit the number of visitors to parks, department stores, and shopping malls in the metropolitan area, emphasizing compliance with daily quarantine rules.

[권준욱 / 중앙방역대책본부 제2부본부장 : (실내체육시설) 이용자들은 평소와 다른 의심증상이 있을 경우 다수가 모이는 시설에 절대로 방문해서는 안 되고 운동 시 마스크를 올바른 형태로 착용해 주시고 음식물 섭취를 자제하며….]

However, the number of confirmed cases is seldom decreased, and the implementation of the social distancing reform plan has been postponed accordingly.

The Central Disaster and Safety Countermeasure Headquarters explained that the reorganization plan must be as stable as possible when the number of confirmed patients in 400 units is stabilized, and that the timing of the final announcement has not been decided yet.

The main content of the new distancing system is to reduce the damage to self-employed persons by minimizing the prohibition of gathering at multi-use facilities, but to strengthen penalties for violations.

This is YTN Park Hong-gu.

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