[사회]3 million vaccinations within this month… AZ vaccination for carers begins tomorrow


Amid growing concerns about the 4th coronavirus pandemic and public concerns about securing a vaccine, the government has announced that it will finish vaccination with a target of 3 million people within this month.

In addition, AstraZeneca vaccination will begin tomorrow.

Reporter Lee Seung-hoon’s report.


With the full-scale spring ahead, concerns about the spread of Corona 19 are even greater.

However, in the middle of winter, the government that warned of the 4th pandemic ahead of the people is now scrambling the people.

Unlike when new patients in the late 600s appeared in the third epidemic, the situation is now stable.

[손영래 / 중앙재난안전대책본부 사회전략반장 : 의료체계의 여력은 더욱 커져 있습니다. 12월 11일 가용 가능한 중환자 병상은 52개였습니다. 그러나 현재 가용 가능한 중환자 병상은 611개이며, 당시의 10배가 넘는 여력이 있습니다.]

In the midst of this, AstraZeneca vaccination has begun for people with disabilities, carers and flight attendants.

Now what the government is emphasizing is the speed of vaccination, 3 million people this month.

And in the first half, it has promised 12 million vaccinations.

[홍남기 / 국무총리 직무대행 : 최근에는 접종의 속도를 더해 이틀 전에는 처음으로 하루 10만 명이 넘는 분들이 백신 접종을 마쳤습니다.]

On the one hand, we are strengthening quarantine centering on places where new patients are pouring out these days, such as bathhouses and day care centers.

Of course, it is not known how effective this call for sharing of suffering will be effective in the crisis of the 4th pandemic.

[김윤 / 서울대 의대 의료관리학교실 교수 : 현재의 거리두기 체계가 감염 환경이 일부 바뀐 부분이 있고 또 이전에도 그렇게 효과적이지 않았기 때문에 단계를 올린다고 확진자 수가 크게 줄어들 가능성이 없는 것도 문제이고.]

In addition, with the influx of mutant viruses from India through overseas entrants, the front line of K-quarantine is now expanding both inside and outside the country.

YTN Lee Seung-hoon[[email protected]]is.

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